What the toss? Boris is the easiest person ever to understand. I’ve met hundreds like him over the years. Arrogant, selfish, delusional. If he doesn’t know something he’ll make it up and then wave his arms around. Totally disregarding and unbothered by the negative and sometimes disastrous effect he can have.
Boris is a lazy, unprepared, avaristic, liar. He lied at the Times (and was sacked), he lied to Michael Howerd about getting his mistress pregnant (twice) and was sacked. He has lied repeatedly during the hustings over the last few weeks. Why do you think that he is telling the truth when you like what you hear?
As ex-forces surely you should be in favour of Corbyn? I can’t understand why anyone who’s served in the forces or has family in there would favour a prime minister who will put your life at risk over oil rather than a prime minister who believes war should be the last resort. The amount of money that’s been wasted on needless wars in the last 20 years is staggering. Imagine what we could’ve done with that money to improve our services. Not to forget the amount of lasting damage the wars have done to people killed & injured & their families who’ve been affected by it
it beggars belief. the forces as an organisation are very right wing, sexist, homophobic and racist despite the best intentions to stamp it out. a succession of prime ministers have signed up for war based on lies and people lap it up. its ok though, she gave us a 12% pay rise after the falklands and everyone thought she was great. never mind the years of under investment before or the poor equipment we constantly have to put up with. its not just the tories fault of course but the way the current labour party and leadership are blamed is just daft.
What is positive fresh air? Does it smell of the sea? Do you know most folk in Barnsley and what they are thinking? Where can I buy these black depressive molasses, do they have them on the new market? Will the £350,OOO,OOO NHS windfall ever materialise?
I think he'll stall until 31st October now it looks as if his proroguing of parliament won't happen. Then at the end say he'd tried his best to negotiate but no cigar.
Hopefully he’ll try and pull all his nastiness into trying to get Brexit through . Then parliament will give him a resounding defeat forcing either a GE or a second referendum and either way he’s confounded into history alas the worst prime minister since May .
I think he'll have seen what happened to Theresa May toasting marsh mellows round the camp fire and say fornicate that.
He can say it as much as he wants, probably with a bit of Latin and the mention of someone consigned to ancient history (perhaps he should study Pyrrhus of Epirus), but the Parliamentary maths is even worse for him than for May. He is facing possibly losing an MP in the by-election next week and another is charged with serious sexual offences and could be recalled.
This isn't going to end well mark my words. Boris bought a water cannon for a reason. He loves getting under people's skin. His cabinet will be reminiscent of the Addam's family and their policies could trigger a resistance movement which could spark unrest. Just my point of view, alot to be said for middle of the road politics. This isn't what we've got and it'll cause alot of displeasure.
I bet that the woman rotting in an Iranian jail might take issue with the ‘intelligent’ bit. Just because he talks posh, and drops out the odd Latin phrase, with that inane grin on his face, does not make him intelligent (not in any way that matters). In fact he’s just another ‘halo effect’ Tory beneficiary. I honestly cannot believe we have sunk this low.
If I needed a reinforcement of my feelings on Johnson being an absolute cretin and likely to be an unmitigated disaster, (I didn’t...), the fact that you feel so positively about him does a great job of it.
The Germans seem to have him sussed....when one headline sums him up ! https://www.spiegel.de/internationa...king-promises-tomorrow-a-1278653.html#ref=rss Article is in English
Do me a favour, don't judge our town & it's folk by your own w@nk standards, your not Barnsley's mouthpiece, thankfully.