I don't think most of his policies at home are the issue. He ****** up with Iraq & also with Schengen. On the latter I see how we are benefiting from most of the migrants massively, their home countries are losing their best (free contract) . The club / hotel I'm involved with is ran by a dyed in the wool Tory from tarn, who gives them good jobs. I can only see you getting a cheap hotel room anywhere in the big cities with migration. You are welcome to pay more of course.
I don't know the answer to that, any more than you know they can't. But instinctively I feel that the appeal to centrist positions would come as a welcome relief to a lot of people given the current political climate.
Action in Iraq was twice approved by Parliament with approximately 75% of MP's voting for action. I struggle to see therefore why this is used as a stick to beat Blair with.
Go on then give me a quote from Corbyn that says he’s anti Semitic. There’s plenty from Boris to back his up.
To be fair, if Whiff Whaff was on the curriculum when I was at school I'm positive I'd have turned out a better person.
“Over the coming months, the party will produce educational materials on a number of specific forms of racism and bigotry. Our first materials are on antisemitism, recognising that anti-Jewish bigotry has reared its head in our movement. Hatred towards Jewish people is rising in many parts of the world. Our party is not immune from that poison – and we must drive it out from our movement.” The party must face up to the unsettling truth that “a small number of Labour members hold antisemitic views and a larger number don’t recognise antisemitic stereotypes and conspiracy theories”. Jeremy Corbyn 22 July 2019
Come on orsen. There are individuals in every party who have questionable views. Are you telling me there are no moslem haters in the Brexit Party or the Tory party? Etc, etc. Corbyn has handled the mud slinging badly but it is mainly mud slinging and the manipulation of the gullible to fall for the notion that opposition to Israeli policies is anti semitic.
A party that comes with a blummin' instruction manual you couldn't make it up. How to be labour by Jeremy Corbyn.
Aye because he's no feckin good at it. He's a bigger joke than Boris Johnson. Johnson 'll take the U.K out of Europe and get voted out. However, there needs to be a viable alternative.
I concede it is a small minority. But what about Labour's own MP's and more especially the 60 Labour peers? Are they making it all up? And how much of this type of behaviour is acceptable? For me it's symptomatic of Corbyn's inadequacy as a leader that he hasn't dampened this down. And I mean by dealing with it, not by getting his clique to silence dissenters.
Everyone discriminates to a varying degree. Anyone who says they don't is a liar. Without catching someone daft enough to do it in public in the act there isn't alot you can do about it.