Thanks. What I do know is that there's no majority for anyone on the left if we continue to denigrate ourselves. For all of my adult life I had lived under New Labour. I felt New Labour could and should have been bolder but I always defended them against criticism from the right. I felt the centrists post Blair shafted the left for a generation through terrible tactical decisions, but still defended them from the right. It would be nice if the centre left of the broad church had given a soft left approach a chance, particularly given their failings in previous elections, and offered the same level of support instead of doing the right's job for them. I certainly think the characterisation of those who are promoting a soft left approach as Momentum radicals is a massive misunderstanding, which I think is evidenced by the profile of many of those posters who make that case on this board.
I'm not a Tony Blair fan. There are myriad reasons that I've gone through on here many times previous. It wasn't Labour, was it? He embraced capitalism and shunned the working class. He tried to rid Labour of its left-wing elements. He was at war with Gordon Brown throughout his decade in power. The chance to at last forward the rights and opportunities for the working class was wasted due to his and Brown's squabbling, the inability to get things done because he was centre-right, Gordon centre-left. The idea was supposedly to 'modernise' the party, hence the 'New Labour' spin. Overseas, he was a disaster. His decision to support Bush and the US in invading Iraq was a massively disputed foreign policy decision. I still remember him on live TV that evening telling the public we were 45 minutes from an Iraqi attack. That they had chemical weapons. There was no evidence whatsoever. We were to just 'trust' them. And so we had that invasion and the massacre of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. Not to forget the many UK servicemen and women who lost their lives or were injured etc. Then, after leaving number 10 he literally rode off into the sunset. Involved with regimes and individuals of dubious morals, an envoy to the Middle East, earning millions upon millions, flying around in a private jet. And in between all that, he does his best to stick his beak into the current Labour movement. I genuinely can't bear to look at him. Can't stand the bloke. I'm a leftie. I care about fairness, equality, opportunity for all. I like peace. So why would I revere Blair or his tenure at number 10? I'm not crediting him for winning elections either. And I will refrain for the obvious follow-up explaining why... I will vote Labour while ever it's led by Jeremy Corbyn or someone with very similar values/policies.
Christ. I genuinely didn't know that. I had never heard them referred to as that until recently. Cheers! Suppose it fits better now, mind.
Yes, they’ve always been the Con & Unionists but the full title was not used for years until Teresa needed the backing of the unionist nutters from NI!
Dont forget all the things he pushed through for Europe in his chase to be the first European President as well. Personally I'm not a huge fan of Corbyn BUT I respect and admire his conviction in his beliefs but I cant say the same for Blair
It seems what people want to vote for and what people think they voting for and what people actually vote for are completely at odds. And folk reckon we live in a democracy. surely the last 3 years have shattered any illusion that democracy exists anywhere in the world.
Couldn't agree with you more Carly. Waste of time having a vote about anything when Parliament can do as it wants.
But boris did do it in public. He actually said it. He is that daft. The papers meanwhile ran with a headline that Jeremy didn’t have a tie on or something similar and the gullible fools lapped it up. Ah boris.... what a bumbling fool he’s a treasure etc.
The idea of Parliament is they are our representatives, not delegates. They are free to vote, either in their own interests, or the country's interests. You are right, that until another election happens they can do what they want.
Me loads like him at Uni, thought they had a God given right to everything, never had to work hard for it. Incapable of listening, incapable of empathy, self absorbed and narcissistic to the point of fancying themselves. Unable to operate household objects- tin openers, mops, vacs, etc. Couldn’t run a bath.
I agree I was talking with my Tory mate, lamenting the shift to the right and left of both Tory and Labour, we agreed LibDems we’re now the only option left.