Yep , and the liberals in coalition went right along with it but now are seen as some sort of credible alternative . You could nt make it up sometimes .
Mr Colliers, nearly 84,000 people voted leave in Barnsley in the EU referendum. Such is their fanatical zeal for the illusory benefits of leaving that they are prepared to overlook all or any of the points you made (most of which are true) in their eagerness to get out of the EU. They might as well all vote Tory as far as I am concerned, although I guess the majority of them will claim to have been lifelong Labour supporters. They will all be disappointed when they find out that leaving the EU will not solve the problems they lay at that institution's door. A seemingly growing number of Labour MP's are indicating their support of pressing on with Brexit because they put their jobs over their principles. And their leader is a closet brexiteer who is slow-timing his party by pretending to go along with the more pro-EU stance of the majority of the membership while retaining his own fantasies about returning to mass state ownership unfettered by EU competition regulations. We truly are up that creek very much without a paddle. Get ready for an early general election when one of two scenarios arises. 1) Johnson gets a 'tweak' in the wording of the withdrawal agreement/political declaration. He tells Parliament "since you have blocked no-deal I put this agreement before you in the knowledge that I will have to revoke the Article 50 notice if it is not voted through." Tory MP's fear no Brexit, or that they will lose their seats to Farage. Labour MP's fear that they will be voted out by their rabid brexiteer constituents. The deal goes through, "Boris has delivered Brexit", he calls a general election and wins. 2) The EU doesn't budge. Johnson calls a general election in the middle of October. No need to mess about proroguing Parliament - a general election takes six weeks, during which no-one is around in Parliament to halt the A50 notice period expiring. "We are on the track to leaving and I am the man who will have delivered it", says Johnson. The Brexit Party serve no purpose. Boris has had no time to **** anything else up. His hollow promises are still ringing in his believers' ears. He wins the election and we have another five years of Tory misrule. It is a grim, grim prospect, but I find these by far the most likely scenarios. I don't see Corbyn having the ability or inclination to do anything to alter this situation. I'm not even sure he wouldn't be happier to remain in opposition, within his comfort zone as a protest politician but nothing more.
No its not just talk. Trump has made it very clear that the NHS must be up for grabs in any trade deal. I honestly think ordinary people think Brexit means us trading with whoever we lihe, pulling the strings etc etc. The reality is we will be under America with no say in anything given time.
They've already privatised the arm of the NHS I worked in. It was a highly efficient operation that regularly won awards and was classed in the very highest percentile of similar companies. The Tories didnt want to pay for the building of two extra depots though and saw an opportunity to save money on paper by privatising it and shedding hundreds and hundreds of jobs. Result. They now pay a private company to run it and said company has driven down standards, is highly creative with it's figures and makes a fortune for themselves rather than passing the full benefits on to the NHS.
The Tory party is part financed by private health companies. These companies don't do that out of the kindness of their hearts - they expect and get favours. I believe that the Tory plan is to make the NHS so poor and so poorly paid that they won't be able to get staff to work in it, the service will get worse, and one day soon they will say that we can't run it any more. They will soften this with promises to cut National Insurance to help everyone pay for private health care. The other point is if there is so much money wasted in the NHS then how long have the Tories had to sort this out? the last 10 years for a start. The wasted money has been invented by the right to justify the underfunding.
Corbyn had the weakest tory leader to beat when she misguidedly called a GE and he couldn't do it. He couldn't do it because he personally and the far left labour party he presides over aren't fit to govern in my opinion. The British voter it seems agrees. Mays now gone, Corbyn and his bunch of marxists should follow, A credible leader of a decent alternative to the tories would have p1ssed it. What we have now is a far left party full of marxist happy clappers which tge country obviously doesn't want. I’d echo one of the only things Theresa May said I’ve agreed with. Time to go too Corbyn, and take red len, abbott and maconnell with you. Time to drain the swamp as a great man once said.
I'm looking at the full cabinet listing... and frankly, there are very very few people you could choose to make that worse. A group mixed with liars, cheats, incompetents, serial philanderers, racists, extremists, sycophants, charlatans and turncoats. McVey, Truss, Kwarteng, Gove, Barclay, Javid, Patel, Raab, Shapps, Rees-Mogg, Cox, Hancock, Rudd, Villiers, Williamson, Morgan, Smith, Lewis, Spencer, Cleverly... and throw in a bit of nepotism and include a sibling. Amazing that we've finally got rid of Grayling... and the cabinet looks more corrupt and delusional than it ever has. With that group "leading" us... I fully expect other countries are reclassifying us as an extremist far right state.
I actually have sympathy for some of what you said there especially in terms of anyone worth their salt should be able to wipe the Tories out but you lost me at calling Trump a great man. If that's what you genuinely think you should look beyond his soundbites and check out the things he has ACTUALLY done via executive orders and tax cuts for his mates. He's done nothing but shaft the American public.
And the Democrats in Congress have made it very clear that there will never be a trade deal with the USA if anything damages the GFA (they see it as one of their greatest international achievements).
Well Boris might keep the 39 billion and reinvest it - who knows? Frankly, it’s unlikely that any Labour alternative would do any better. Albeit Corbyn would find the money quickly after massively depleting our armed forces! I like to think he’s a glass half full bloke despite his hang-ups.
Keeping the 39bn is yet another Boris lie i'm afraid. The 39bn is for our existing membership commitments within the budgetary period. If he tries not to pay, we'll be successfully challenged legally. Addendum. I also believe the £39bn is reduced as regular payments take place. I believe the OBR project that come 31st October, £33bn in arrears would be outstanding, not the £39bn commonly reported.
Imagine the hammer Corbyn would take if he appointed people like Patel & Williamson to Government or actually made racist comments like Boris has. Our media are a disgrace