And, in addition to the above comment that it is for commitment owed, the £39bn doesn't actually exist in a bank account waiting to be spent. Its future borrowings or commitments spread over 30 years (or however long the MEPs live).
It wasn’t just the closing of the mines it was the lack of infrastructure and support that was the crime . Obviously it didn’t affect you as you don’t get it .
I must admit this cabinet is even worse than I had feared. It will go down well with the 100 000 or so actual tory members but I cant see it appealing to floating tory voters. Its even worse than the Thatcher cabinets who at least had some moderate tories (oxmoron I know) like Howe Hestletine Carrington etc to apply some balance. As former tory MP Nick Bowles has said - basically the Brexit party has taken over government I am thoroughly depressed and am clinging to the hope that enough of them are too incompetent to actually deliver what they threaten
Given that we've agreed budgets and our contributions to them, we haven't a leg to stand on. If we had a stronger case, we wouldn't have agreed to pay that amount in the first place as part of the withdrawal agreement.
Not to mention we have zero chance of doing any trade deal with the EU - which is over half our current total exports if we refuse to pay and they would actually be justified in applying trade sanctions and its not a great advert for doing deals with anyone else if we are clearly a country that doesnt honour commitments
It's called the 'law of unintended consequences'. That is voting for something they wanted (out of EU) and getting something (NHS privatisation) they didn't want.
She wasn’t the weakest though was she ? She was riding high in the polls that’s why she called a GE ? It was Corbyn that made her the weakest after the GE. You’ve swallowed the right wing line hook all the way down . Corbyn received more votes than any labour leader in history so your wrong again. Corbyn took Mays massive lead in the polls and slashed it and that’s a fact not in your right wing comics . Your comment” as the great man said “ says it all a president that puts his fingers in his ears when overwhelming accusations of criminal offences and out and out racism says it all. Boris will lose Brexit and kicked out of office mark my words . The mans a fascist.
this is what i cant understand about the arguments leave voters make, withhold the payment? ok thats great.. now try and do a deal with the EU afterwards....erm...erm....
It is interesting how Corbyn is derided for being a Marxist, but Boris has appointed a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party as the head of his policy unit. An actual communist is now in charge of policy (and close friend of Claire Fox Brexit Party MEP for the North West and supporter of the Warrington Bombers and the right to view child porn).
I've a number of thoughts as to strategies at play. The next week may give some insights. I think i'm leaning to one of two likelihoods. Johnsons team (not him, he's just a tubthumping cheerleader and doesn't have the vision or focus) are setting him as a patsy. To formulate a short term war cabinet in effect that bullies Brexit through, but they know long term, they have to rebuild and reinvent. I think that's slightly less likely, but may actually be more effective given Johnsons inadequacies. The other possible angle is long term power. I don't think Johnson cares about Brexit. Its just a drum to beat for his own ends. Cummings has played the populist big bad EU, can't tell the people what to think card before, and I think most strategists are highly repetitive and he'll think he can build off that "goodwill". The question they have is how do they get that through. How can they get 5 years as PM from this moron? I think its going to be ballsy and full of bluster. I think we'll likely have a GE called in weeks. And I reckon they'll take on Farage to win his vote share, with the hope the remain vote splinters and can't generate majorities. To do that, the backdrop needs to be the Eu have rejected us. Combined with the remain voters and MP's blocking "democracy" as they would have people believe. The alternative is coalition with Farage, and that would push many away from voting tory and to other areas. they shunned Farage through the referendum, and I fully expect them to do so again. My concern, if it goes to a GE.... given how many people swallow up lies and deceit if it suits their agenda... I can see them getting a majority.
im waiting for the line " oh i didnt think it would be like this" to be trotted out... when actually they were told but pride and a refusal to see what was in front of their noses wouldn't let them acknowledge it
Don't forget serial adultress Truss, one of the ones who helped her, Kwarteng. Michael Green the pyramid seller... I mean Grant Shapps... oh the list is too long, its beyond parody.
The people of Barnsley and indeed most other towns and cities in the UK will believe whatever the Sun/Daily Mail/Express tell them to believe i.e. that Corbyn is a terrorist, Brexit is great and Boris is our saviour. There's no point dealing in facts anymore, everyone is tired of those.
We don't need deals, we will thrive on WTO terms and optimism (the new catchword on the block) Boris was yesterday already laying the foundations to blame the EU if we leave with no deal....everybody's fault but the leaves.