Yes, but you are therfore not fully concentrating on your paid employment are you. From skivvy to skiver, how the world as changed.
Yes a proper Labour supporter should be in favour of deregulation of financial markets, austerity & unblinkered support for USA foreign policy.
I think that there were legitimate reasons for Labour supporters to want to leave the EU, so I said no. However, I suspect that the majority of Labour voters who elected to leave did so for reasons that aren't aligned with what I think the party stands for. I also think any left-wing case for leaving the EU has evaporated, and I certainly have absolutely nothing in common with anybody who voted for the Brexit 'party'. It should have become crystal clear over the past few years that any Brexit on offer is fundamentally incompatible with the labour movement, and I find myself with ever decreasing sympathy for the 'Lexit' point of view. And, even though I support him overall, I would wholeheartedly include Jeremy Corbyn in that. I'd vote yes for anybody who either voted for Farage's vehicle, or would still vote 'leave' in a second referendum.
Since when. The labour movements always been about fighting such institutions as the EU . The video above is what the labour party used to be before Tony Blair came along and re adjusted those so called labour values you mention .
Freedom of movement, workers rights, justice and equality, accountability for large corporations and banks... All labour principles, all EU principles.
David Cameron has to take responsibility, he offered the referendum, they should have encompassed that with a simplistic easy to understand overview of for and against which then delivered to every household and workplace and should have stayed completely neutral on the subject.
Like I said in my post, there used to be a case for 'Lexit' and I know and respect many people who argued it. I actually did so myself - I was pretty close to voting 'leave' for exactly that reason before being talked around by friends. But anybody who still claims that they think Brexit would be a victory for the workers against a 'capitalist club' is being either disingenuous or an idiot.
I would concede that there's at least one legitimate socialist argument for Brexit that still remains valid. So if you're on the left and a committed Stalinist, or maybe some sort of Zizekian post-nationalist, then I'll give you a free pass to support it. Knock yourselves out.
Do you realise that EU laws are made by the European Parliament, which is voted for in European Elections, not the governments of other nations? We would have a lot more power in Brussels, but unfortunately a large percentage of our representatives (UKIP/Brexit Party) refuse to show up and do their job, despite still getting paid. They do this purely to give us less power as a nation, to deliberately make our country worse off, so that they can then push their agenda against the issues that they cause.
I'm still annoyed about that. I used to enjoy a good Wetherspoons breakfast until I saw that the owner was touring his pubs and giving Brexit speeches in them. I also got a leaflet delivered to my house that I actually wish I had kept as I've never seen anything as ridiculous in my life (and I am honestly not exaggerating, the whole booklet was beyond belief). Neither my husband nor I will visit one again until the whole Brexit saga is over. I don't particular believe that I have to have the same beliefs as a company to be a patron of them (I don't know the beliefs of most after all) but I will not give him a penny of my money whilst he is directly spending it promoting his lying and damaging version of Brexit.
Nigel Farage listened and voted. However, he said they pass that many boring inane motions that you can be bored into blindly voting in favour. However, he had more resolve.
Admittedly the large corporations bit has been a let down, mostly as we have blocked such legislation with many of our pro brexit MEPs.
I don't claim to know everything about being in the EU or leaving the EU and if anybody claims they know all the ins and outs is lying. You will believe whatever propoganda you want to believe and nobody can say leaving the EU is going to be a good thing or a bad thing, one economist will say its going to be good when we leave another will say it will be bad at the moment it all just theory so all the people who are spouting rubbish be it remainders or leavers get off your soap boxes because if the experts don't have a clue neither do you