But it isn’t on offer is what I’m saying . The only alternative is labour and the policies are not what the media are dishing up. I havnt turned owt up to turn owt darn tbh you must be interpreting them wrong I know most are on the same side but if we don’t back the only alternative they’ll get back in and that’s what the Tory media are hoping for
But that was the media . Surely your not telling me Neil Kinnock was a commie, red,Stalinist or whatever they called him? The media did a job on him and the punters sucked it up. The media wanted Blair and they got him it’s they that call the shots because they brainwash and that’s what’s happening with Corbyn whether people like it or not they are brainwashed .
It needs a proper referendum imo one that directs the MPs to act . The reason for inaction is they didn’t make it a direct order referendum or whatever they call it . A second referendum with instructions to carry it out is what’s needed to break the deadlock no mp would dare go against this imo.
I am - in fact I am old enough to remember Ted Heaths raging success of a Tory government as well. I think though that the current Tory government once freed from the Lib Dems stopping most of their more extreme policies are as bad if not worse than even the Thatcher years.
if your position is that anyone who disagrees with you has been brainwashed and therefore can not be respected then there's no point in having a debate? We've had a 'proper' referendum and the result should be honoured. Or perhaps what you mean by a 'proper referendum' is one that gives you the result you want. mmm Stalin et al comes to mind.
Yes, because our economy is going oh so well!?! Sunderland will be having a party what with the good news Nissan announced... oh, hang on.
I'm going to disagree here, just from insight from those at closer quarters. Milne is very much in charge of strategy and messaging and he's sticking to the agreed route of "rule from the rubble". The concept being someone brings it all crashing down, Corbyn is seen as the only option left and they rule the day forever, Its a very old Leninist strategy and very few think it works. Hence the growing voices from those seen as close Corbyn allies in the last few months. But Milne and McCluskey are strong advocates and so they are sticking to this face both ways, don't say what you're going to do, appeal to all approach. It's clearly not working.
Most businesses (certainly big and medium) have planned and are waiting whether lunacy prevails. 10% job cuts, 30% job cuts... or a miracle and we can carry on as is with easy trading without having to cull.
I disagree that Corbyn isn't playing the game. He is playing the game already, he's just doing it badly, but very much along the lines of the strategy his quad agreed years back of build from the rubble. Apologies if I wasn't clear what part I was disagreeing with.
One where there was a vote on a specific outcome? One where there wasn't sufficient illegal overspending by the Leave campaign groups that a legally-binding referendum would have been declared void? One where the biggest donor to the Leave campaign actually handed over the money himself and wasn't a front for overseas involvement? One where both campaigns ran on facts rather than lies and smears? One where an MP wasn't murdered?
I've always thought the best economy has a good mix of privatised and nationalised parts - centrist if you like. I was relieved when Blair came to power, but that was probably a reaction to 18 years of Thatcher and Major I suppose. Blair did some good things like introducing the minimum wage which Tories said would ruin the economy. However, the more you look at it, nearly everything is privatised and run for profit rather than the greater good of the country. So now, yes, it is time for a more left leaning government - I do think the railways, and the whole of public transport, as well as the utility companies should now be nationalised. I do believe that the richest should pay a bit more in tax. I remember that during the financial crisis they got not one, but two tax cuts, when there was no money. These things are all proposed by Corbyn and not by anyone else. I want most of all to see a change in attitude of people from the me,me,me to the us, us us. The tories are leaning more to the right, and the libdems are just a lite alternative, well meaning, but not the change that we need.
I was convinced for a second you were referring to the qualities of the Labour Party. Albeit I failed to notice any reference to anti Semitism.
Biggest damage to services sector is leaving the single market. Somewhere between £20bn and £50bn depending on whose predictions you read.
Care to expand Tel? care to share your hate of anti semitism or any form of racial hatred for that matter, or are you just repeating stuff you’ve heard again.
What tosh you speak . I don’t give two hooks what people have said they will vote that’s up to them and I will judge them as you have judged me ironic ,or what. ? I didn’t say anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed at all your just trying to justify the reply you wish to give . I said anyone believing the Current Labour Party is Marxist or whatever is brainwashed . Tr