preferably Karen to sing me to sleep. But will settle for someone a bit more practical. Need job doing soon. A days work in Wentworth, cash job. & if you can sing like a bird, even better..
Is Wardrobe job mate. I ripped away the old crap. Needs cladding nice, with practicle doors etc. It's over a stair box, so the inside can stay. Want it done soon as poss, cash job.. Cheers..
Are you on Facebook ? Look up Paul Steeples and ask him if he can do it - got some of his work on his page - quality stuff
Yes, mate. Shy Facebooker. I don't need a steeple.!! Have heard of that lad though.. he's generally busy.
I already called Jesus. Doesn't come out anymore for less than a £3k job.. Working class my arse. Brexiteer, anti-Semite, Sun reader..
Wanting recommends, of inter-carpentery craft? I'm 37 and can make obscure Carpenters culture references. What the **** is wrong with me.
Lost me for a second or two there, mate. Then felt the Probe. That's well funny. A grateful compliment from me..
The B@st@rd. you know very well, it will take at least 1 hour to smah your face into independent, intelligent dust? So unfair, I'm disabled, according to social services..??
PS my woodwork skills proved fruitless at Holgate & other than making a rudimentary guitar case from wood in the early 80's (as I couldn't afford one), things haven't got better. Thus, I can only post unhelpful, but hopefully amusing crap like this.
Sorry, didn't get that fella. Was referring to Karen Carpenter, no insult or attack intended. I had no knowledge that you were disabled. i'm sorry for any offence.
Ahhhhhh. Karen Carpenter the sweetest voice that ever lived. Just needed to say that mate. Sorry no advice on chippies.