I really thought it was politics for simpletons (apologies to genuine simpletons). All bluster, wave arms around a bit, avoid the question numerous times, throw out some sound bites at inflated volume
I’d guess same way as you have to pay now with VAT and such stuff and they don’t inspect every shipment from non Eu at the minute so why would they start?
But most shipments have already passed through the EU, so are tariff / tax free. Under no deal We would have to check everything rather than about 10% of things. It’s not tricky to understand
No it’s not difficult to understand, anything imported direct to UK from the rest of the world is NOT automatically inspected, they do random checks and also based on info received.
Currently... Everything that comes from the rest of the World through the EU has been checked and charged through the EU. Everything that comes from the EU doesn’t need checking. Post no deal Brexit neither of those is true. It doesn’t matter if we choose to check 10% or 100% the amount we need to check will balloon overnight, or we accept wholesale smuggling. What makes me laugh out loud are the thousands who voted for Brexit to control our borders who then seem happy to have uncontrolled borders as soon as their dinner is threatened. You either want control or you don’t. You can’t keep out immigrants whilst allowing free movement of sprouts.
Yes it will increase that has never been in dispute, what was/is is the claim that all would need and the blocked Dover claims. Which is where I entered into this thread.
The amount that is currently unchecked that would need checking! We’re talking about a 10 fold or more increase. I’ve no idea what you do for a living; but if my workload increased 10 fold tomorrow I couldn’t possibly cope. And if I could possibly clear it in a couple of days I’d be very lucky (reality - that’s not even close but I work in the overstretched public sector, I’d expect much longer)
Honestly think he gives a **** or knows anything about a small northern town in Yorkshire. Give yourself a shake pal.
How many customs officers do we have? Not many. Same as getting off a plane. How many people get stopped out of the millions entering this country for whatever reason? 1% at best. Can't see this figure being that much higher at our ports and airports for trade products.
So we’re wrecking the economy chiefly because millions of people didn’t approve of uncontrolled immigration, but those people will be happy in a post Brexit world to not check millions of containers entering the country? Brilliant! WE NEED TO CONTROL THE BORDERS!!! OK - but it’s going to cause massive disruption. NO!! WE DONT REALLY NEED TO CHECK THINGS AT THE BORDER IF ITLL CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR US!
Most of those millions come from or go to the EU! they don’t need checking due to the rules. The same rules that some want rid of. It seems however those same some don’t want or don’t understand the implications ... who’d have thought that!
I'm referring to bag searches...... I'm a remainer and have parents that live in greece. When i go over there we are through customs with a quick glance at our passports and out of the airport in no time. The Russians though are kept waiting in the sun and then are thoroughly scrutinised before entry. I know which i prefer.
Currently they do not check containers that come from outside the UK as standard, generally only if either the paperwork is incorrect or based on info received, why would they need to start if we leave? Bear in mind all paperwork is submitted before it’s even loaded and forwarded, so by time it’s received they already know which boxes are good to go and providing all is order there is no hold up. The same is for exports.
So you admit we do now check ‘some’. So when we leave we’ll have to check exponentially more. It’s not a tricky concept.
Chuff me sideways what’s hard to understand that we have an agreement with goods that originated in the EU do not need checking, those that originated outside are checked at the first EU border it crosses. It’s not chuffing rocket science to see that if we leave with no deal all that ceases.
I’ve always said they check some, but not ALL Check any of my posts and you’ll see I’ve been consistent with that claim.