Thought he was lanes ahead of Thomas when he came on. Plenty of time for Thomas to come good though but honestly think thiam needs to start next week.
Slight overreaction. As mentioned in the opening post, plenty of time for Thomas to come good. However, thiam currently looks a better option.
Thiam impressed me when he came on and im not his biggest fan... Now with all the new players coming in ut might spur the others on knowing there fighting for there places
He looked great today. Classy and elegant on the ball. Brought new ideas. Perhaps he's now playing better since there's competition in his position
I wasn't there today & miss Fulham also. For me he is a 60 minute man. That is no bad thing, as we have options how we use him. He is built like a sprinter & it's hard to see how he could play high intensity for any longer. He's strength is his weakness in terms of stamina.