Might it be possible to have a link to show who people were posting as - before - and who they are now? Maybe it exists already - in which case it would help to be nudged in the right direction. I was once tobyornottoby, then became threadstopper (there were reasons for this which are too boring to recant atmo) then came home. if there's a story - please tell us all who you were once, and now who you are. And possibly why you switched your incognitos. I'm quite keen on why people do as they do. Or don't. Any more.
I was Chinners as I lived in Chinley. When the board moved (for legal reasons, ahem), I changed my username to one I use in other forums (should that be fora?). The name has no significance, I just randomly chose a name as all useful variants on my real name were taken on a particular board I was signing up to.
I’ve always been Terry Nutkins on here and previous incarnations. Been a member for nearly 20 years and can’t remember why I chose to be Terry Nutkins like.
Your avatar will still no doubt be representative of your present physique. 20 years on. Sometimes however I get the idea that I am responding to someone whose standpoint I should be already familiar with. Can't we have a posting name that also says (aka etc..)?
I was ark104, then when the board was upgraded to version 2 I was locked out for some reason so I had to set up a new account as ark104 (v2) ark104 was my email username at the University of York back in the early 2000s, A R K being my initials and me being the 104th iteration of ark at the Uni. Do I win a prize for the dullest story of how I got my username?
That post is woefully dull. But not prizeworthy.. This thread tries to flush out the namechangers, or has site admin do it for us.
When I first joined the BBS in January 2004 (under the BarnsleyFC.net banner), I had the name Just Like Watching Big Lil, as opposed to the reduced name version on Gally's BarnsleyFC.org version from July 2005. I'd selected the name from a Fantasy Football team title, which was taking place during the 1997/98 season at Stocksbridge Steel Works.
Think some of the namechangers changed location etc.... most of them have ulterior motives e.g. previous bans, arguments etc.
So, as one of those site admin chaps, is it possible to advise us as to the poster's previous name, when someone posts?
Well it's not a witch hunt, so much as knowing who posters names were, and who they are now. Can you tell us?
I've always been Old Goat. I took the name from a Bill Nelson song title, but it's also fairly apt. When I grow up, I want to be Victor Meldrew.