Shed131..once a shed always a shed.. On here and same on other forums.. Although when I used tykes mad I had to change it to sheddy 131 due to Co ck ups with my account.. ( don't use it anymore ) User name came about.due to. Our cabins whilst at sea were affectionately known and referred to as sheds due to their size.. my cabin number was 11131 ( deck 11 cabin 131) likewise my house number of my home was 131... No longer own that house but I still affectionately refer to our house as the shed much to my wife's annoyance lol
Is that you Noel. Mate. Or Joel Si thi int mount if I’ve guessed right old pal. (Providing it’s open fot fust game.) If I’m wrong dunt know any jumpers called Joel. But what the hell we’re all mates arnt wi.
My user name came from dem dair dee dahs at work. Cos I had very Long hair and tash they nicknamed me Captain Hook. Now they use Hooky fella. My lad pointed out my error in spelling fella. Feller. Can’t be arsed to change it.
I started posting when I was at university in sheffield about 20 years ago. Sheff Tyke was taken so I decided on Chef Tyke. Not really sure why I did that. I also posted under the name of a chap called Adam Hinchcliff to brighten up dull days at work. Then I got a proper job so couldn’t really do that anymore
My name is George Spicer because I was christened George Theo Spicer, but that had too many characters and so I settled for George Spicer. I also send texts to Radio Sheffield as Surrey Tyke because I reside in Surrey. Best wishes George
I set my user name up when I was working with the Navy and first joined the board. I have lived in 4 different locations since then but cannot be bothered to change it now. However, never say never!
I was nicknamed Tricky Trev by the works 5 a side team although I was nothing like Trevor Sinclair ! It stuck and I’m usually referred to as trickster or nowadays owd trickster. I’ve used number 26 for allsorts it was the number I was allocated when I used to race motorbikes. So Trickster#26 on my leathers became Trickster two six on any forums I post on. Not been on here too long and hopefully wont be falling out.
I was Andy Mac. Took a sabbatical then couldn't remember or reset my password. I think Andy Mac still exits and I'd love to revert as I finish working in lovely Birkdale this week.
Mario Kempes was my nickname when I was in the Army so after being called it for so many years it has just stuck with me.
I genuinely thought Chef Tyke derived from the fact that you rated yourself as a dab hand in the kitchen. Never in a million years did I think that it was a play on Sheffield!
I was originally Mapplewell Red but I was recently forced to change my moniker to MappRed due to various members being unable to differentiate between myself and a former member whose moniker also contained Mapplewell. Tedious, I know.
I was Tynetyke (still am but cant log in any more for some reason) but then moved 5 miles from the tyne valley to a place nicknamed "Little Moscow" because of its past political history!
Changed my username about a year ago and i regret it, was BrierleyRed, now BostonRed, but now live back int tarn!!!