Fair statement. Whether you agree/disagree or are offended or not by the chants, it's not really appropriate, nor should it be accepted in this day and age.
Embarrassing that we set off a pyro during a friendly. Well done on the club for taking swift action on a wide range of issues.
Hope anyone that does anything that's mentioned in the statement are arrested and dealt with and not just removed from the ground.
Anybody found damaging seats or any other part of the ground for that matter deserves everything that they may get. Totally uneccesary.
It’s crackers smashing up other football club grounds. But when yer own supporters do it to their own stadium at Oakwell then there is something seriously wrong with these fookers.
Had a rant abart it t’other day, pathetic little cretins that only came to match for that reason. Dunt gi a **** abart our club. I felt like slapping them but having my 6 year old son with me changes things. Saw a few things being thrown too (not sure what exactly) but I dread to think what I would have done if owt hit my lad!
That’s not in an enclosed location where people are unable to move away easily, without losing access to a product they’ve paid for. It’s also not a friendly.
'Barnsley Football Club enjoys an ever-growing relationship with the people of its town.' Hope that is extended to those of us customers from out of town who would never contemplate racial chanting, fireworks or damaging BFC property.
We unfortunately have a small minority who think they can do what the hell they want. The way some of them treat the stewards too is disgusting (not just at Oakwell but Southend away last season springs to mind). The club needs to deal with the situation swiftly so the footballing authorities don't come down on us harshly during the upcoming campaign.
All the village idiots seem to come out for these local freindlys didnt similar happen when we played huddersfield in a friendly at oakwell a few seasons back.