Presently on holiday in Cornwall and trying out various eating and drinking establishments. As a previous dog owner I like dogs but am appalled by the inconsiderate behaviour of most dog owners. I have witnessed no end of people not clearing up after their beloved pets bowel movements, feeding their dog off forks in restaurants, letting them drink put of their glass and generally running loose under the assumption that everyone loves dogs. If I take my grandchildren for a walk and drink and left nappy bags all over and let them jump up at people wiping chocolate stained hands all over their clothes people would soon be up in arms tut tutoring and saying what an irresponsible parent/grandparent I am Fact. Not everyone likes dogs some people are scared of them and some dog owners have filthy habits regarding how they feed and water their pets. I would like to see more sanctions in place and more none dog friendly places available for people to enjoy their food and drink without having to tolerate dog owners inconsiderate behaviour. Tin hat on but don't give a flying foook. Come on dog owners, play the game!!!
I am a dog owner. I do not like other dog owners. Dogs are animals; don't let them eat from your plate, don't let them lick you and please, for the love of God, don't pretend to tickle their belly when in reality you're stroking their genitals and then say "you like that don't you". Dog owners are the worst.
Dont tar every ****** with the same brush. My dogs well behaved. Polite. Playful. Knows when and where to piss. Is welcomed in pubs throughout town and barks when Tarn score a goal. Takes after his owner. Mostly.
I don't. I just feel that people are now using dogs as a fashion accessory rather than the mate they used to be and as such don't give a toss about anyone else
I know where your coming from but don't class us all the same, I have a beautiful Golden Retriever Bitch, she doesn't eat "human" food from a fork, plate or any other place only dog specific food from her own bowl. She also eats dog chews ,biscuits etc. She only goes into eating establishments when on holiday, we suss out dog friendly places before hand. We try and find a table at the edge of the room or in a corner and she either sits at the side of me or under the table and always kept on her lead. We always take some chews for her to keep her occupied. If she doesn't settle straight away I will take her outside for a quiet 5 min walk before returning. This behavior usually causes people to come up to us and say how well behaved and lovely she is promptly followed by them asking to stroke her which she adores ( she thinks that's all she's on this earth for ). We always carry loads of poo bags with us and always clean up after her, bag it and bin it. I'm disgusted with people who are irresponsible with their dogs.One of my biggest hates are those morons who bag it then throw it in the trees, I've also seen bags of poo just discarded in the middle of the moors, who in their right mind does that.
It's the minority, as usual, who give decent owners a bad name. I live near a little park where I walk my dog three times a day and while I always pick his poo up it makes me so angry to see piles of cr@p all over the place. He behaves in pubs and in public in general, he's friendly and playful and would never bite anyone. There are some proper cretins who own dogs but in my experience they are the minority.
Quite a few from tarn on the site I’m on A few Wednesdayites too which we found amusement in by wearing our reds shirts
Our neighbour has a German Shepard. It’s absolutely amazing to see his control over that dog. He told her to “stay”, popped home to get something, a kid threw its ball to fetch and it just sat there until he came back and he let her go and get it. Generally I don’t like dogs because of their owners.
I don’t think I’ve been in a pub that sells food/ meals and allows dogs in where you are eating , I wouldn’t eat there
Come to Cornwall most.places are dog friendly as are the Yorkshire dales. Tarn Centre is also dog friendly as I remember it
Go into the Marconi hut where the old boy from the national trust hangs out. In his little room opposite the Marconi first transmitter mock up there’s an old radio from a Lancaster bomber on the bench to the right. Stand over it for a minute, rub your chin and say “ this is an STR18 HF set isn’t it?” He’ll be dead impressed and say there was some old geezer in there a couple of weeks ago who told him what is was. He might even make you a cup of tea as a thank you. He’d ran out of milk but it was still a good brew
I have a dog as well - I get so annoyed at the number of people who do not clean up after the dog does what it does best. I always take people to task when I see them not cleaning up (I always have a healthy stock of bags as well as treats in my pockets) some of the 'excuses' I've heard are quite extraordinary:.... 'It's not my dog's sh*t' (when I've actually seen the incriminating evidence with my own eyes) 'I ant gorra bag' (One supplied from my own stock - they then pretend to pick up the mess) eff off you see you next tuesday - (when I tried to explain the possible why they should pick the offending stools - the expletives are re-iterated at twice the volume) To anyone that does not clean up after their dog PLEASE GET IN THE HABIT - you might find that I may pick it up and return it to your front doorstep (not bagged) Edit - that is to say I'll pick it up via a bag but dump it on the doorstep not bagged Secondly - people that do not have a dog if you would like to stroke a dog, please ask the owner first. My dog is a staffy - he is usually impeccably mannered. However dogs (mine included) can mis-interpret a raised hand that wishes to stroke it/him/her. Always ask the owner first before if you wish to stroke the dog. I've encountered some people that think they have a god given right to approach any dog in any manner. No ask first. I'll give anyone the time to stroke/fuss my dog if they so want to - in fact I always give them a little dog biscuit for them to ask my dog to sit which he will, give paw which he will, other paw which he will and the he can be given the treat. For an encore - if there are kids present I'll ask my dog to sit, wait, I'll then balance a dog biscuit on his nose say wait and after 5 seconds or so I'll say OK and then he will toss the biscuit in the air and catch it in his mouth. Parting words to the kids - Always ask the owner first before you stroke the dog. Edit - he's my wife's dog actually I only walk him, feed him, play with him, brush him and pick his poo up. Despite me saying he's mine his first loyalty is to my wife. I'm not bitter or upset at this - it's just the way it is.
Tbf when I walk my dog most owners do pick up poo. Cannon hall has the right idea of a separate dog cafe but not everywhere has the space.