Pound falling again this morning, which is likely to lead to more expensive imports and thence inflation. Bank of England can't act because we are about to be hit with Boris's cliff-edge Brexit which will likely cause a recession. Good, this taking back control lark, innit?
Call me a cynic... but I do wonder if there is a concerted effort through risky rhetoric to push the pound lower to make trade with US even more attractive? Atlantic Bridge is just one group advocated and encouraged amid large parts of the tory right. Ironic. Take back control... rich tories profit from US taken it instead.
It's ok, don't worry, we'll only be spending circa £47bn to leave the EU, fund no deal planning or bribe the DUP. Money well spent to keep out a foreigner or two from those EU states like... hmm Syria..... Somalia.... Iraq. We'll have deals galore in a decade or 3, and many of us will be dead by then, so we should just be thankful. (Note, copious amounts of sarcasm and irony have been used in the formation of this post)
yes, i was in spain ( lloret de mar) and we thought we'd won the lottery 'cos we found a place that gave us 1.03 (it may have been 12 years ago )
It dropped in 2009 but you are quoting the tourist exchange rate not the real exchange rate which of course would have been higher.
I do wonder why so many want to ‘take back control’ who live in working class areas in the north of England. From my experience I trust the EU a lot more than the Tories
https://www.poundsterlinglive.com/b...rical-spot-exchange-rates/gbp/GBP-to-EUR-2009 it would have had nothing to do with the banking crash and subsequent global recession of course.