a good deal,are you sure about that? roughly £1 back for every £2 we pay in to get exactly the same benefits as somewhere like poland who are 100 billion euros up (net receivers) since they joined 17.5 million leave voters will disagree with you on that point i feel.
In Germany 75% of food bank users are migrants . Although it’s still bad enough whether German or not the food banks are being mainly used by migrants as the enter the country and are transferred between agencies etc . In England most of the users are native with mental health and social problems who have been caught up in the Torydems Austerity measures .
Not sure those figures are correct but assuming they are it’s a pound more spent in the North than the Tories or Tory Blair would have spent because you know as well as me the full two pounds would never have left the South East .
the tax arrangements of a sovereign nation are nothing whatsoever linked to what we pay into and receive back from the eu, it is simply not even on the same script... many in the eu (that thankfully we are soon to be rid of) would like the tax arrangements to be more harmonised so maybe thats why you think i'm being hypocritical.
Do you never research options before making decisions? The world is rule based, so we do know what the likely outcome is of a decision. I know if I jump in front of a moving train, it’s going to hurt a bit. Are you really suggesting we don’t know till we try it? Do we each have to stand in line, watch the guy before us get killed, then still hold on to ‘we don’t know till we try’ and carry on moving forward one at a time, never sure what the outcome will be? What utter ******!! I’ll say it once more: Even staunch Brexiteers have admitted the economy will take decades to recover. Absolutely no one is suggesting that’s not true; the best we can find is to convince the gullible ‘we can’t be certain of anything until we try’. Again flipping ludicrous !! We can be as near certain as we need to be, if we carry on the path we’re on - we are stuffed.
poland has been a net receiver of 100 billion euros since it joined the eu,despite being at loggerheads with the commision over a multitude of issues that are within eu directives now tell me how we get better service than the poles, they are the eu's biggest net receivers of payments.
No it’s not. It’s like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow. There are enough known facts. The WTO has rules.
Pre Brexit; who’s economy and trade with the other EU states was healthiest? It’s a market we pay to be part of, and the nett gains are huge compared to the price of membership.
Not ignoring it at all dek , just stating the difference in the use of food banks . The native German or Frenchman are not food bank users. The large majority are migrants which is still shameful tbh . But it shows the Tories aren’t discriminating when they’re denying lifelines they stop benefits for all .
we've been in the common market/eu for 40 odd years and the south has, throughout this time had access to far more money than the north, the north south divide has been here for centuries and nothing has changed despite throwing money at the eu
https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2017/09/world/germany-food-bank-cnnphotos/ have a read of this, its not just migrants who are on the breadline in germany some of the german food banks actually barred immigrants from using them.
You’ve missed the point , the North has had next to nothing for the 40 odd years only through the EU. The South however has from central govt. All the money we sent over has benefitted the north than if we hadn’t sent it because it would never have left the South East . The London Transport System has oozed money nothing was spared the north meanwhile had to go cap in hands and only EU gave. The big fat cats are fighting each other now for HS2 . Only they will benefit , it’s a white elephant waiting to happen whilst the city men make hay , Only the EU will invest in the real infrastructure we need up north has as been proved time and again .
you do realise the eu has trade agreements throughout the world with no requirements for payments/membership when the public voted on the common market in 1975 it was just that, a common trading market, there has been absolutely no need for another layer of governence and all the associated costs to keep it running
Yes I’ve read it dek and it’s nowhere near our food bank users figures which was the point I’m making .
I don't see any evidence that being in the EU has to date constrained or influenced Tory policy. As you say the Tories aren't discriminating when they're denying lifelines, they stop benefits for all - this at a time when we're actually IN the EU. Marlon - it makes not a jot of difference whether we're in the EU or not a Tory Government is a Tory Government and will erode workers rights, gradually phase out free health care etc. -
I suggest you have a walk over the Dearne valley there’s plenty evidence there oh and the stairfoot roundabout might not be everyone’s ideal but I remember the f Ing crossroads which would still have been there oh and the pit stacks levelled and landscaped . Oh and the Wombwell , Cudworth bypasses . And the Bird sanctuary’s . (Pauses for breath). Be a good idea to open your eyes whilst out and about lol.
We’re in for a rough ride brexit or not. I work in the quarry industry for a very well known international building products company. All construction based assets from Australia to Europe are reporting a sharp decline in work. Construction output plummeted by 42% in the last recession, its the barometer of the economy, recession is coming regardless of brexit. Lets hope that tory austerity has righted the financial incompetence of the last labour goverment and we’re better placed this time around to deal with it.
You’re correct that some food banks have a 75% rate but the food banks are now limiting what and whom they supplying, including lotteries alternative days and appointments and one even refusing to supply non Germans. Over half of the users of these same food banks are elderly and children, with 6% of the German population in poverty and another 20% threatened with it. Which makes you’re assertion that most incorrect.