Do you think that the UK govt of any political hue would have invested in Manvers the way the EU did. Honest answers only. When Eu funding is withdrawn from the north will the Uk govt replace it. Again honest answers only.
I've heard enough from economic experts. We survived the Blitz (43000 dead, 139000 injured, 1 million houses destroyed or damaged), we can survive this. I expect nothing less than spitfire flypasts 24/7, hot & cold-running Vera Lynne and a punkah-wallah on every front porch. Let's stick it to the EU!
Yes, and we’ll end up with one too. You do realise that they’re not all ‘free trade’ agreements, there’s a small number of nations that exist inside the EEA that have frictionless borders too. All of these things are up for negotiation but you seem to have ignored the fact that our incompetent government have failed to negotiate 1 deal in 3 years, and now we’re likely to end up having to negotiate dozens of them. How do you fancy our chances? Again evidence based decision making.
pre common market/eu we were more healthier too, this should not mean that we should be the second largest contributor to the project. honest answer, i dont know, we had a labour government for 13 years, immediately in the aftermath of the pit closures, maybe they could have done it..i suppose i'll never know. what i do know is that regeneration and new projects,like manvers, are all over the country and have all been jointly funded via a mixture of private enterprise, local and central government as well as the eu manvers had a 100 million investment from a british/dutch company called express park developments,Cortonwood was similarly financed by a company called St Paul's Developments, the regeneration of these areas is not solely down to the eu, private enterprise has been a big funder.
Negotiated 12 out of possible 40 so far according to BBC No big players in there though
Really? My memory is of 3 day weeks, the worst productivity in the developed world and a description as ‘the sick man of europe’
Your response has nothing to do with my earlier post. Your response has nothing to do with the question I asked. (it would seem a tad pointless responding to any future posts!)
From the chart at the bottom of that page; 8 of our top 10 trading partners are in the EU; The deals already negotiated don’t sum up in total to replace any of the countries in the top 10. The Brexiteers are pushing for dumping a continuation of our current deal out of either incompetence or a gamble for their own personal gain. Why do you keep ignoring the fact that even the Brexiteers predict decades of recession. Do you believe that project fear have recruited Jacob Rees Mogg and Brexit MEP’s?
the incompetent government have failed to negotiate a deal because they didnt want us out in the first place, we have a opposition that doesnt want us out too so its hardly surprising nothing has been sorted. i actually think our chances,(as you put it) are far better than people like yourself are prepared to accept, the balance of trade between us and the eu lies heavily in their favour and the german car manufacturers in particular weild a lot of power and will simply not let our market disappear. btw, i never said that all trade agreements are free trade agreements, however the eu does have nearly 40 free trade agreements with different countries so in reality and given the sheer scales of eu exports to the uk , there should be no reason why the uk cant be of similar standing i was listening to the jeremy vine show today and they were discussing this very same subject and they got round to medical supplies as this topic seems to weigh heavily in some peoples conscience,.. while we do import a lot of generic medicene from the eu it was pointed out that the uk exports a lot of specialist medicene throughout the eu, specialist supplies that the eu cant be without, the commentator was simply making the point that the eu does in fact need to the uk and visa versa.
The honest answer is no. That’s not a reason in itself to stay or remain in the EU but it’s the truth.
You will know and do know if our government invested because you say so 3 lines below. So that’s a no then, Our own government didn’t invest in our area. you could have just said that.
How have I ignored anything? You stated not one deal, I was saying there are some done and then added none of them were big ones, which you confirmed
Yeah I’ve noticed that about you there’s a few posters on here you’ve said that about . If you can’t answer the point I understand .
Do you think coming out of thr EU will make us immune from the rise of the far right? What do you think the likes of UKIP and the Brexit Party nurture in their deepest, most unwholesome depths?
Because they recognise that the existence of the gym is in their interest and the non existence would have an adverse effect on them.
You may be right, but the Brexit party are the only ones who will deliver the "here and now" demands of the 17.4 million. They are a one-issue party, should they ever get near power it would only be because the vote to leave had been betrayed, as it has been thus far, lets hope and pray Johnson and his crew dont fluff their lines this time. I do not want the Brexit party in charge by the way, I agree that it is full of fairly unsavoury people hence why I hope the current puppets do as they were instructed so that the Brexit party becomes obsolete.
so you're blaming brexit for this, you're right i must do more reading as i totally missed the headlines/news that we'd left the eu already