I came downstairs this morning and the bag of dog food near the dog's bowl had been moved half way across the floor with shreds of chewed plastic all along the way. I've located where the rat came in and where it is now but I can't reach it. It's come through a gap in the wall next to the kicthen sink's waste pipe and made a home for itself behind the cupboard under the sink, between the back of the cupbaord and the outside wall. I can hear it chewing wood the little git. Gone and bought a gret big rat trap and put it in the cupboard it seems to have been rifling through (under the sink, easy access next to the waste pipe) and once I've caught it I'll seal up the entrance hole outside but it's been hours now and the sod won't take the bait. Any recommendations without tearing the kitchen apart? Can't afford to call someone out unfortunately. I know it's a rat because the neighbours feed the birds incessantly and I've seen them in the garden recently.
One of the reasons that rats are so successful is that they're highly neophobic. If you put a trap out for a mouse then they'll wander over to see what it is, but rats can take a few days to take the bait. Best I can suggest is to make a lot of noise by banging around and hope that it runs back outside. Otherwise patience is key! Another tip is that when you fill the hole, assuming you're doing it with expanding foam or polyfilla, jam a ball of steel wool in there first. They'll go through expanding foam like butter, but they don't like the steel.
never have trouble, my dog sorts them out np. He is long snouted,short legged, long tailed hairless terrier.... although some call them alligators I believe
ver I amsurprised at your Jack Russell.... its in their genes. I have two cairn terriers ( they were bred for this kinda thing up in Scotland) and the youngest is a psycho killer when it come mice , rats etc... she turns into a bloody ninja warrior. She seems to sense them and goes all out to tear them a new asshole.... she only hits them once right on the back of the neck and its curtains for the vermin. Maybe you should send your jack back to terrier boot camp for re-training.
you will be surprised at the prices.... its if you go to the council then it gets pricey as they are robbing bastads... you would do well to call an independent pest controller, I think you will be happily surprised at the costing's.