I would categorically disagree and defend myself against anyone that called me a racist but it turns out I am and I bet 90% of the people on this board are. A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. Nothing is mentioned in any description about colour of skin religions etc, although the description categorisers groups of humans. Therefore a mass majority of us are all guilty of being Racists. How many on here have not just chanted at football but called someone from Sheffield a deedaa or someone from Doncaster a Gipo or someone from Nottingham a scab? Don’t get me wrong it’s in completely different context but in my eyes, now I find it’s the same! I’m dyslexic I rely on auto correct every day of my life. There are others that are dyslexic too so I’m in a group of humans that are different to others! Some on here find it so easy to pick up on my spelling and grammar etc which makes me feel like **** basically. It’s just the same feeling I can imagine being racially abused. I have no control over it, just same as a black person has no control over the colour of there skin. My point is, a lot of the people on here have abused other football fans and categorised them, then when it comes to Race they think it’s different! It’s not! People need to have a good think about what is acceptable and what isn’t! Some things may be acceptable to one person but not to another but we all need to think about others and how our actions and words make others feel!
Deedar, yes, cos it's taking the mick out of an accent. Not racist. Gypo, no, cos that is racist. Scab, no, cos it's pathetic. Not racist.
pleased to meet you i'm a libra ! its always baffled me that people cannot grasp the difference between colour predudice and racism, i believe that britain is the greatest country in the world to me it doesnt matter the colour of your skin 'cos you're a brit just the same as me, no better, no worse, no different, just a brit. if thats a wonky way of looking at it then i'm sorry
Are you actually trying to equate the entire history of racism with prejudice suffered by people with dyslexia? Or benign chanting at football matches? Hardly the Atlantic slave trade, is it.
We live in an age of stupid.. where stupid people think their better than other stupid people. They have stupid agendas which oppose other stupid agendas. Where the truth in anything, is hated and opposed, because in cannot ever be managed... And lies no matter how trivial are held in such a regard, that they can never ever be challenged. And the faceless from above control all sides like puppets.. Minds must be kept active on stupid things, so division is the prize,
It always amazes me when people point out that the word that is levelled at Doncaster fans is wrong like it’s a huge revelation. Obviously, it’s wrong. No, I’ve never once said that to or about any of their fans. I have asked other fans to stop saying it though when it has been shouted at the player with long hair who plays against us (I can’t remember his name). I do admit that I used to say I ‘felt gyped’ when I was younger as I had no idea where the phrase came from. I stopped once I knew better though.
When I was a lass, the term was "I felt Jewed." Equally appalling looking back. It was commonplace language back then.
david ginola. i was born and raised in doncaster until i was 15 and still wind my rellies over there up by calling them gypo's or pikeys. its like a black guy using the "n" word, its not racist when he says it but it is if i use it just because of the colour of my skin, which i suppose is racist against me. i'm not saying its right or wrong just pointing out the minefield ( hypocrocy) of it all
It certainly was as was referring to corner shops or takeaways as ending in y sound Glad we've moved on. However I think actions always speak louder than words and I know for a fact that some that may say the wrong thing would not follow that with actions
From my experience the term 'jewed' was used as an expression of 'cheating' or 'being done' - it was never intended as a racist jibe - its origins may well have started from that community being very careful or stringent with cash. Us Yorkshire men/women are notorious for having deep pockets and short arms - is this the same as being 'jewed'?
One of my mates in Primary school was nicknamed Sooty. Early 70's that was, and he named most of us Honky, after the TV Comedy of the times. Happy, innocent days, and we are all still mates coming up to 50 years later. But it wouldn't fly these days, and rightly so.
The misconception is someone has to "act" (whatever that means) to be racist. Just the air of superiority or casual denigration is more than enough.
GALLY. Please bin this thread, its been done a thousand times and no doubt it'll go on and on and on and on and on and on. Go on Gally chuck it in recycle bin.