He was an absolute colossus and an early hero, local lad etc. I don't think I'd ever say he was a classy defender, that wasn't his style, but he was fearless. I think he's acknowledged himself that Ian Evans took him to another level as a footballer. My son used to play in the same junior side as the son of Simon Stainrod, spoke to Simon on many occasions. He rates Mick as an opponent and said that there weren't many forwards who looked forward to playing against Mick.
Mick would move up to any attacker put up against us and you just knew he would be coming away with the ball. We are a club known for producing centre backs and in sixty odd years of watching the reds I have never seen a better one.
My definite first choice centre half. Only player I ever saw dominate him in the air. ( not just Mick mind but everyone.) was Brendan O’callaghan Donny rovers.
I have it in mind he never missed a game for the Reds through injury. Missed a fair few through suspension, but not as many as he’d have missed these days.
He missed one whilst warming up once can remember he did his back and they subbed him before kick off.
We played Manchester City in the league cup in 1981 the crowd was busting at the sides, Trevor Aylott got the winner with a towering header but Macca was outstanding in that game .
Not sure tbh but it was at home . He was warming up in front of me and he went up for a header then cane down clutching his back . Just remember someone coming on as sub or replacing him anyway . Not sure if he would be substituted or replaced tbh . There was only one sub in them days but I would imagine if team sheet had gone in he would have to be subbed rather than replaced .
Agree with your assessment (and everyone else's about Mick, who was immense. Not sure I can agree about Hunter though. Just opinions, but I thought he was a better man manager than Clarke. I was only a kid though, but I remember being devastated when Clarke left for Leeds but imo Hunter took us to another level. Opinions eh?
Best bit for me: injury time, Reds win a free kick just inside their half, attacking Ponty End. Macca ready to take kick, takes an age to wave everyone forward into the box. Players make their way up and take their positions. Macca runs up, goes past the ball, spins round and kicks it all the way back to Bobby Horn in our goal. Best example of time wasting I've ever seen.