Only watching on tele, The ground appears full but has the atmosphere of a funeral. The two shirts a difficult to distinguish between each other... or maybe that’s my eyesight. Generally a dull 0-1
Very different to The Boleyn. Not that the old ground would have been rocking having been battered at home.... but it's another club who have swapped tradition and authenticity for a new stadium witha totally different feel.
My cousin is a big Hammers fan. He was up North in June and was telling me that in his opinion, the move from Upton Park was a massive mistake. He reckons the old fans "togetherness" has all but disappeared and it's like the very soul of the Club has been ripped out. He will have been there today. Bet he's gutted.
I predicted this would happen during their last season at their old ground. Not all progress is good IMO.
The benefit of the old Boleyn ground as far as Hammers fans were concerned, was that it was very compact and with the crowd literally on top of them, very intimidating as far as their opposition were concerned. All the tradition and the legacy built up over many years was lost with the move to the new ground. As for City, they will take some stopping again this season, although some pundits are already tipping Liverpool to win the title. Just finished watching Spurs against Villa. They could easily finish in the Euro qualification places this season.