Can’t believe I have to keep saying this: It is illegal to have them in football grounds, it is enclosed, it is on the same level, people have paid for tickets. On the picture above, it is not illegal, it is not enclosed, it is above everyone’s head (discounting the staff as it can be presumed that they all know each other and speak to each other and no one complained when they heard the plan), no one has paid anything.
Fact is some of our fans are racist, thick, let off smoke bombs and invade the pitch Agree some reight bells watch tarn
If you're referring to the song, I'm not actually sure that it is racist. Very gay though. Very very gay. Edit : not that there is anything wrong with gay.
The song is racist, it perpetuates racial stereotyping. I do believe some of those singing it won't think its racist. That doesn't change the fact that it is. Touch of homophobia about your post that isn't really helped by the edit.
And the club has asked for it not to be sung and still the morons do, cos no one's gonna tell em. Pond life and some of u are reading this.
Unfortunately some of the whole of society is racist not condoning them singing it just an awful fact of life
And this is why hundreds of our fans are singing it... not because they're racist or particularly thick but because they believe they're doing nothing wrong. You're wrong btw it is racist but I'm completely convinced that calling you racist or thick won't help you to understand that you're wrong. Do us a favour please; have an honest discussion so we can find a way to show you how you're wrong and hopefully we'll be able to convince the rest too.
I am always open for an honest discussion. For the record, I haven't and won't sing the song. Also, I have to say that I previously thought it was a racist but I'm on the fence now. Where is the evidence to suggest it is being sung because of a stereotypical view of a man of colour? The song could be sung about any player.If we were singing it about David Perkins we wouldn't be discussing this (We might be asking why we're singing about a player that left years ago mind). I think this is my point which I've struggled to make on writing. IF proved correct that it IS being sung about him because he's a man of colour, then I'd definitely agree it's racist. Until you have that evidence though, I don't think you can. Or I'm being very naive and maybe trying to stick up for my fellow Barnsley fans.
According to statistics there must be at least one person on that too deck who has asthma. At times due to the gradient the bus was travelling and wind direction the smoke billowed into peoples faces. Outrageous behaviour and a potentially fatal act (apparently).
Not even gonna discuss that, if u genuinely don't know which song then you've been living under a rock the last 2 weeks, however I suspect u were one of those singing it and are now attempting to defend it, poorly. Apologies if I assume too much.