When we first drew Carlisle there was a thread that their fans were confident they could win, I was one of those that took the P*ss and was derogatory towards them.I now am eating those words.. Does anyone have an hour spare tomorrow to help me get my foot out of my gob.....
Why apologise? On paper we should have arseholed them. They could play us again 50 times and that would never happen again.
Shudda, Wudda,Cudda………..they deserve some respect for the effort and getting the tactics right, they wont be playing us 50 times in this competition this season......cos they just knocked us out, we often object to the " Teams like Barnsley" comments so when ya do it about somebody else take it on the chin...
Assuming you’re not just ‘doing a Wednesday ‘. They didn’t beat us because we weren’t trying, or because we didn’t have a strong team out, or because the pitch was ‘a bit wet’. They beat us because they were superior all over the pitch and had the cheek to look at how we play and stopped it. If we played them again, they’d do it again. They were truly excellent and the only travesty in the result was they didn’t put seven past us.
Played us at our own game. On the floor, quick, no hoof tactics and weren't a dirty club. Surprised they bothered wasting time at three up though. I thought they would have preferred to get home sooner by keeping added time lower.