That sounds very Nigel. Numerous countries have stated they want the heart of any deal with the UK to include enhanced movement and particularly access to our Universities. India in particular. Points or not. Migration will come.
I’ve said it before - I’m in a fairly fortunate position, but this is decades of wrecked economy that will be my kids adulthood and Christ knows what for my grandkids. I’m not ‘scared’ but not can I see the point in avoidable self harm. If I get pushed in front of a car the NHS will probably be able to put me back together, it doesn’t make it a sensible thing to do, no matter how much the one pushing is screaming he had a right to do it. Because we don’t only need plumbers and teachers, we need warehouse workers, cleaners and people to flip burgers.
You made the point of labeling all those drinking and loafing as East Europeans as if they are the only ones doing it. I just found that quite a racial statement. I still can't agree with your view point and one thing I am not is a racist and anyone who knows me will back this up.
Il write this in capitals, I feel it warrants it..... OUR OWN GOVERNMENT ALREADY HAS THE POWERS TO DO EXACTLY THAT!!!!
Maybe did come across a stereotype. However im just explaining what I see. I never said you was racist?
It's only going to be 4 days... This set of politicians have had 3 years to agree to leave with a deal, now they are up in arms over 4 days...
Parliament did not trigger A50. They voted to allow the PM to trigger A50 (subtle but important difference). If an election was held in Kenya, where an outside influence (Cambridge Analytica) was found to have manipulated the electorate through targeted advertising and parties breached campaign rules on spending, to the extent that the Presidential Election was re-run, we would probably laugh at the 3rd world democracy. Substitute the words "election" with "non-binding referendum", "Kenya" with "UK", and "Presidential Election was re-run" with "carried on regardless ignoring irregularities and blocked police investigation"
No confidence vote = election called by Boris for November and we leave with no deal. So they're snookered there, I'd say.
Just on the last point. How do you make a success of Brexit? I've heard the politicians push this phrase into the public domain, but i've seen no plan or detail on how success is derived and what overall strategy would deliver that, especially if there is the hardest most severe form of leaving. Genuinely interested what you think success would look like or how we would get there.
I'm not even arsed about this debate but Groningen is a lovely city, lived just on the outskirts of it while i worked there for a few week and we nipped into Groningen on a night out a few times and loved every second of it. The folk are dead friendly in there as well which made it better even though quite a few couldnt understand us
I wouldnt bet against it almost every ironic or sarcatically stated idea presented over the last few years seems to be now government policy lets face it it solves the pensions problem and the NHS beds shortage at a stroke I suspect it will be brought in via a back door method of no longer funding life saving treatments for those who are deemed beyond economic repair the Super rich will not be affected at all - but the poor who cant afford to pay for a heart or kidney transplant or cancer treatments will soon no longer be a drain
We already have a points based system which works. The part of the system which needs reviewing is the cash for residence category. The Tories created this and that's why Britain is full of dirty money. Boris knows the system is in place but is trying to take credit for it nonetheless. Boris lying and spinning again.....surely not!
Increasing the pension age to 75 (IDS last week), certainly won't help the working class male with a life expectancy of 74.
Zero hours were a system abused by your dear Boris and co but hey let’s all blame Europe for everything it’s the Tory way after all . Never been blind always eyes open look closer to home for that TTS