NZ will not and cannot challenge us over imposing or not imposing a hard border....hard border being what you suggested in your original post. I don't believe I am Ill informed...nor do I ever listen to or quote Nigel Farage.
I am neither deliberately obtuse nor one in all my years on this forum has ever accused me of that... I'm very disappointed you have resorted to it. ...Jimmy let's be clear The WTO do not and cannot impose hard borders. BBC News - WTO rules: What happens if there's a no-deal Brexit?
I know you are quite a liberal leaver and see many benefits in the EU despite that leave view but..... and it’s a big but, none of the right wing hardliners would be remotely happy with an open border and just “see how it goes” I hope we do go that way it will actually make me laugh like I’ve never done before. Especially if people just come and go, might see how much wizz air are charging to Dublin on the 1st
Thank you for that Pompey...I do take your point that right wing hardliners may not be happy, but my view is that that is the pragmatic fudge that will be made, particularly in view of the fact that the real hard liners only number 28 ( judging by the last vote on the deal)
It will be slightly damaging to the EU, but they are in a huge trading bloc and I'm pretty sure the rest of the members will pick up the slack. We on the other hand will just have stuck two fingers up to our biggest trading partners, renaged on the Good Friday Agreement and shown the rest of the world we cannot be trusted to hold up out international treaties. How on earth does that benefit us?
No deal is so massively damaging to the UK it is like a robber saying give me your wallet or I'll commit suicide.
The dark arts of bypassing democracies of course , just like all proper communists . Putin will be proud if him
And the Irish would not be allowed to go to no tariffs, it would mean they would have to impose a border. Therefore WTO would require a hard border.
There may only be 28 of them, but they've managed to normalise the idea of 'no deal' over the last 2 years.
I'm not going to get into this argument. But I'm pretty sure that David Cameron stood on national TV, and stated that leave would mean leaving the single market and customs union. I can't reference it but im 99% sure I didn't dream it. Irrespective of what the leave campaign may or may not have lied about, that slap head spelt it out.
Leaving the single market and customs union isn’t no deal. Leaving them, and all the other entwined things we share by walking away is no deal.
I'm fairly certain you've failed to comprehend what I posted. But to respond anyway. DC mentioning 'no deal' was part of 'project fear' according to the Leave campaign - who consistently promised that a great deal would be easy to negotiate - for a laugh I'll add that JRM even said it'd make great sense for that deal to be subject to a further referendum. So my point; the word 'normalise'... the Hard Right ERG have managed to turn a worst case threat into a scenario many people would be happy to accept - even though they keep telling you how damaging it'll be - again JRM, he's a hoot isn't he.
Is it not inferred that he used a couple or so examples (ie the big hitters) so that he was trying to make clear what it would mean. Whether or not he had to list everything including roaming charges etc. Maybe if i could find it it might help, but I can't. But I don't agree with the notion that nobody had a clue what it meant. I completely understand why many are confused whilst trying to agree a deal also. I was of the opinion that it would mean exactly that. Leaving all the agreements and treaties that were EU lead. That the UK would transfer any legal stuff to continue to be UK law so as to minimise some (not all) disruption.
No. I understand what your getting at. I was more trying to suggest that Camaron was trying to warn against a hard brexit and what that meant. But he set this off. The Torys did it. No one else. It still remains that the ballot paper said in or out. Again nothing else. I also remember saying on here that it would implode the Torys. Europe always has and always will. So at least thats one good thing to come out of this mess.
They're not imploded yet - they've always been better at the spin and they're showing that now in spades. We're on the 3rd tory PM since we voted out, and this one will drag it over the line by removing parliament from the process - and still the biggest shouts of foul are being levelled at 'remoaners', 'traitors', the opposition and the EU.
It never fails to amaze me that some people in this country actually like Trump - the most obvious white supremacist, and without doubt the worst president in history - but maybe that is the reason.
The Tories have had 3 years to come up with a solution to the Irish issue, a problem they knew would be the biggest obstacle to Brexit. Merkel has given Boris 30 days - should be plenty of time for a person with the undoubted superior intelligence of Boris. I'm afraid the u.k. is finished - her maj may well regret giving the idiot the go ahead today.
And those that criticize Corbyn for meeting the IRA (rightly or wrongly), think the sun shines out of Trumps backside - even though he attended IRA fundraisers...