We've seen it segregated when it first opened but can it still be done? Theres no permanent wall on the concourse like they built at the Keepmoat when extending the away end, so what was used? A temporary metal one? The game where the home end will sell out will be Leeds, but they will also sell out the away end so we'll be left with an half empty West and unable to split the away end. This will happen numerous times this season.
Why are you all responding to the "Rich" thing that is either a very obvious wind up(so should just be ignored, as if you don't feed the troll, it dies), or an absolute fantasist who believes his delusions(and needs ignoring for their own good)? I mean, over the years I have met an uncountable amount of people who own successful businesses, or are at the top of their profession and are earning money that made my eyes water. ****, I even know a good number of pro footballers who play/have played in the Championship and earn money most can ever dream off. The one thing they all have in common is they will NEVER admit how wealthy they are and will tell yo their business is doing "****". So when I come across a "Rich" giving it the big 'un, then it rings the alarm bells!
You may well be right, but not necessarily, and life is anything but simple. I work in an area of business that is the new buzz worldwide. There is huge demand and a massive skill shortage so wages can be silly. I take no credit at all for working in this field, I didn't plan to do it or study for it, I almost literally fell into it. My wages aren't silly. I'm not even sure I make the national average. I work for a family firm doing this. I'm very fortunate to be doing this and I could quadruple my wage tomorrow, doing what I've learnt at this company elsewhere. But I'm not going to. I love my job. I work way longer than my contracted hours without ever being asked. I believe 100 per cent in the firm I work. I believe 100 per cent in the people I work for. I believe what we're doing is a good thing. I love the freedom I'm given, I love that my opinion matters. I was given a job after years of being seriously ill, and then promoted and I won't ever forget that. I like that my commute is only 10 minutes, that's a hugely underestimated benefit. There isn't an amount that could make me move because money means nothing compared to all the above. Kieffer has done the opposite to me. He's going and I stayed. But maybe he believes in what Wigan are doing and not us. I don't know. Only thing I do know is that the multitudes of posts we get that give definitives on the motivations and behaviour of human beings are not describing any human beings that I've ever met.
I think you maybe in the minority sadly. I think most people's incentive to work is motivated by money.
I don't deny it's part of it and for some the whole of it, and that maybe the case for Kieffer, and there's nothing wrong with that if that's the case, but we don't know a person's motivation without knowing that person. And we're all different.
I will stick with my original opinion - he moved for more money. I'm happy to read that you've a job you love because it's not then a job really is it?
It must be a dream. It was certainly mine as a young boy. Football was very different in the early eighties however.