Yeah seems a lovely guy that I want to take seriously on any subject. Ps those of you excited to see the ‘truth telling’ of Jonathan Pie live, this guy is the editor of Spiked which writes the character.
That's all very interesting but brexit is being driven by Boris, Reece-Mogg, Farage and Gove, real working class hero's there. Just remember, every time the pound falls, Reece-Mogg and his disaster capitalist mates make money.
2 very posh blokes slagging off some other posh people who work to actually defend the working class.
Whenever I used to take my dog to the vet I used to get a whapping great bill at the end, unless I paid massive insurance premiums to insure her. I never got a Christmas card either. Bugger.
This goon crops up fairly regularly on Sky News' Press Preview. He has little to contribute. And Carswell has had more parties than Paris Hilton. Turned out the guy who made the Nazi dog video who Johnathan pie defends in this video was best mates with Tommy Robinson . I also believe mark meechan who made the video ran for UKIP in the euro elections along side Tommy and Sargon of akkad who's a right wing internet mouthpiece .
Carswell is a very strange looking bloke. Imagine if he got together with Laura Kuenssberg...beautiful babies!
heres a quote from Bob Crow to show it is not only the likes of carswell who are against the EU. Bob Crow Most Britons dislike the European Union. If trade unions don't articulate their concerns, the right will. Social EU legislation, which supposedly leads to better working conditions, has not saved one job and is riddled with opt-outs for employers to largely ignore any perceived benefits they may bring to workers. But it is making zero-hour contracts and agency-working the norm while undermining collective bargaining and full-time, secure employment. Meanwhile, 10,000 manufacturing jobs in the East Midlands still hang in the balance because EU law demanded that the crucial Thameslink contract go to Siemens in Germany rather than Bombardier in Derby. Today, unemployment in the eurozone is at a record 12%. In the countries hit hardest by the "troika" of banks and bureaucrats, youth unemployment tops 60% and the millions of personal tragedies of lost homes, jobs, pensions and services are testament to the sick joke of "social Europe". The raft of EU treaties are, as Tony Benn once said, nothing more than a cast-iron manifesto for capitalism that demands the chaos of the complete free movement of capital, goods, services and labour. It is clear that Greece, Spain, Cyprus and the rest need investment, not more austerity and savage cuts to essential public services, but, locked in the eurozone, the only option left is exactly that. What's more, the EU sees the current crisis as an opportunity to speed up its privatisation drive. Mass unemployment and economic decline is a price worth paying in order to impose structural adjustment in favour of monopoly capitalism. In Britain and across the EU, healthcare, education and every other public service face the same business model of privatisation and fragmentation. Indeed, the clause in the Health and Social Care Act demanding privatisation of every aspect of our NHS was defended by the Lib Dems on the basis of EU competition law. But governments do not have to carry out such EU policies: they could carry out measures on behalf of those who elect them. That means having democratic control over capital flows, our borders and the future of our economy for the benefit of everyone. The only rational course to take is to leave the EU so that elected governments regain the democratic power to decide matters on behalf of the people.
Certainly agree re Skinner, I think Corbyn has realised that he's unlikely to get a majority to strengthen workers rights any time soon & the whole point of Brexit is to remove the rights that do exist under EU law. (One of the reasons negotiations failed with Theresa May was over this point). If anyone thinks the ERG group (of which Carswell is a member), seek to leave the EU to make things better for workers & the people of Barnsley I'd like to be smoking what they are smoking please.
Boris - upper class twit of the year, wouldn’t know an ordinary person if they smacked him in the gob Reece-Mogg - lord snooty, how did he escape from The Beano? Farage - racist anti European but happy to take a salary from the European Parliament Gove - anti European because his dad’s fishing business went t*ts up because of them Nasty Europeans. A fine bunch of hypocrites.
If you are going to criticise then it would be advisable to check your own spelling is correct (I'll help, it's site not sight).