That would be an ironic punchline to the longest running joke in history. Cameron only started it to unite the party. Get ready for the True Blue party, coming to a ballet box near you...
The Tory Party have now moved that far to the right they make Marine Le Pens French fascist party look like a Sunday School. To take the whip away and be told they are now deselected from 21 Tory M.P's who voted to stop a no-deal Brexit just proves this point outrageous.
Especially when you consider the amount of times the likes of Johnson and Rees-Mogg have consistently voted against past leaders. Hypocrisy at its finest.
The ONLY good thing that might come out of this whole sorry Brexit shambles is that it might lead to the dismemberment of the Tory party, the end of two party politics and, with any luck, a political system that runs on consensus rather than polarisation. Well, I can hope at least.
Jacob Rees-Mogg? Theresa May? Both voted against their constituents wishes. MPs are there for their country, constituents then party (then self).
They have all had the party whip removed, so are no longer Tory MPs. They could stand as independents, but unless the local party seek to have the whip reinstated they can't stand as Tory MPs, would have to stand as independents. Great news for Labour / Lib Dems , if some do this. I think a fair few are standing down though.
unfortunately the only end of the two party system right now is the introduction of a third , the ********* brexit party. one can only sanity prevails soon.
there is no point in voting ever again, if these ELECTED people dont like the way it goes then they try to change it all of them are a waste of time, children is a school yard my bat my ball
If you wanted to do something as a kid and your parents thought it wasn’t good for you but let you anyway and you got into distress . Who’s fault is it ?
Only as patronising as the post I was replying to which mentioned kids or did you choose to not see that ?
nice to see you hold them in such high regard Scoff , or is you opinion swayed by the fact that most mp's agree with your stance?
the point he was getting at was that the mp's are behaving like kids, at least thats how it came across to me
And I was replying in the same tone but his is ok because it holds your views and mines patronising because it don’t ? I think your retort to scoff is a bit double standards dek tbh.
I keep saying this but no one cares apparently. This is the problem with career politicians, it's their job and the don't want to lose it. Totally wrong but this is broken system we're stuck with.
sorry pal, i dont agree, all i see is Scoff giving MP's the benefit of the doubt because the happen to be in line with his way of thinking, ie, pro EU, MP's stood on a manifesto to implement the result of the referendum, that referendum was a simple leave or remain and nothing what so ever to do with what type of deal was on the card or indeed any other obstacle these same mp's are trying to erect. your post about kids and parents seemed to me that you were belittling the leave vote bud, if this was not the case then i appologise
My kids reply was solely in context with John vaines post about playgrounds etc . It was a reply solely to him in fact I highlighted the post but it didn’t appear for some reason in my post . Apology accepted but not needed tbh I didn’t take it in the context of a conflicting or aggressive post . Not from you anyway as I know you don’t post like that anyway .