It's a problem that there are people who want to find ways of providing for those who need the most help? A true right wing view if ever there was one. As long as you're alright mate, sod everyone else.
But the Daily Mail and Express say it's all the poor people's fault so they deserve to suffer. I'll be voting for the Party(s) led by Upper Class toffs who blame the country's problems on the "benefit scroungers" and the EU while simultaneously hiding millions of their own money offshore, they'll have my best interests at heart.
can i just ask you summat bud, where have the mail or express said this? I dont read either, in fact i havnt read any newspaper for years (other than MCN or Rugby league express) as all it was doing to me was winding me up with all the bad news .. i'm genuinely interested in some organisation blaming the less fortunate for the worlds problems.
Theres the EU/africa relationship which only seems to benefit one side. There was the 'migrant crisis' of 2015 in which the EU,germany especially was welcoming with open arms. The ongoing crisis with EU countries expected to share the burden of migrant resettlement from the med. The NGOS affilated to the EU providing a taxi service rather than taking them to the nearest safe port. The UK has as you have pointed out failed to impliment rules they have at their disposal. The border force in its current understaffed and underfunded state not worth the paper its printed on. I know Ive simplfied it a bit but i think you get my point.
Everything the Eu does is designed to benefit the EU first and foremost. Theyve been milking Africa for years with the surplus's generated through out mainland Europe. Theres no need to be a chicken about it and deny CAp and the trade agreements set up between the EU and various African nations has been detrimental to their own internal markets.
Most of the African nations trade under "Anything but Arms", with zero tariffs into the EU. The African nations has just banded together into the African Union, complete with FoM and working towards a single market. this is the otherside of the african tariff debate,
Just banded together? The African Nations in its various political guises predates the EU. . Its grown in size with each reinvention. Its pushing for greater integration within the next 5 years or so. The EU farmers covered by CAP payments will always get top dollar whereas the African imports regardless of tariffs ... wont negating the worthwhileness of exporting to the EU. It hasnt stopped surplus EU foodstuffs being dumped in Africa causing prices to bottom out and having a knock on effect throughout the ecomonies of various African nations.
It's a while since I looked at it, but going from memory the farmer in Malawi for instance, growing corn, is allowed to sell the base grain product into the EU without tariff...if they wanted to turn it into cornflakes where the real money is to be made they'd be hit with a tariff. "If it's not a weapon or ammunition, and it is made or grown in one of the countries concerned, it has duty-free access to the EU. If the product is from Ethiopia, Uganda or Malawi, for example, there would be no tariffs."