Rubbish, Blair had years to understand our ties with the EU, and between Maastricht getting signed in the early 90's to The Lisbon treaty and beyond continually promised a referendum but as we are all aware refused to let us have one.Campaigning on the promise of a referendum was nothing but lies and nothing to do with him looking after our well being, the lovely person is a liar the mess that has finally surfaced in politics has been simmering for decades with a lot of the electorate wanting change from what we've put up with re the two party system, that change could well happen now.
The Credit Crunch was ~2% contraction in the economy. For comparison, the Great Depression was an ~8% contraction in the economy. So these new, great shiny predictions see something midway between the Credit Crunch and the Great Depression and entirely self-inflicted and avoidable.
No his opinions havnt changed but he has to take the will of the party . Bit like crossing over to be a deputy . It’s no good arguing on what might have been and cross referencing what’s going on now it’s like chalk and cheese . The mess is not just about us having a referendum or not . That’s past we’ve had one the point now is the Tory’s never had a plan of what to do with the result and as a consequence lost not only the respect of the people but any semblance of leading our country . We are leaderless not because of the referendum but because the party that held the referendum hadn’t a clue what to do once the result came In. I’m not gonna argue the the Tories argument on opposition leaders to try and deflect the **** storm they created . I’m putting the blame squarely where it belongs no ifs no buts.
Did you vote for electoral change when given the opportunity? Or did you fall for the media ****** about it being an open door to the liberals?
well, i agree with nothing in your first paragraph and with regards to your second paragraph the labour party were indeed diminished in the 80's but this had nothing whatsoever to do with the EU
i voted for change, even tho that change wasnt going far enough and was complicated to anyone who had little interest in politics you really do think anyone who disagrees with you has fallen for the media ****** dont you? take yer lens cap off pal
No - just checking It’d rare to meet anyone who voted in that election, let alone those that voted for change
you've still not answered my question/point of being lied to by blair and his false promises of a referendum btw , i blame all the parties that have governed for taking us deeper into a union that is unrecognisable from what was laid down during the 1975 referendum
I’ve answered your question more times dek it’s you choosing not to listen , Repeated . What’s past is past u ave no idea why Tony Blair Lied if he did lie. And as i said it’s just a deflection in what is happening now and I’m more interested what’s happening now I also said I wasn’t playing the Tories game of trying to deflect the subject to other matters of what has been and what hasn’t . I put thus clearly in my post it’s you that’s not listening dek .
You’ve had 2 answers - you disagreed with them and so dismissed them All politics students above A level would tell you that referendums are divisive and likely to cause more disruption rather than settling the issue. Of course offering a referendum in a manifesto is likely to end up a lie, but if you look through the manifestos of the winning parties at all UK elections for the last 30 years you’ll see it’s hardly the standout lie, politics is full of broken promises. But some people are getting a little myopic about Brexit and failing to see it in context.
yep, it is. your question was nothing more than a simply disguised assumption that I had been taken in by the media
of course he lied marlon, on more than one occasion (mainly for electoral gain ) he promised a referendum,(the tories havnt even brought this up), its me that hasnt forgotten the lies i cant see anywhere where you've given your opinion on him lying bud, and this is all i'm asking for, saying its in the past isnt the answer up and down the country there are thousands of folk who dont hold our politicians in the same regard as you do, these lies stick with those of us old enough to remember it all and this is why we dont trust them
Dek for the third time (and I’m questioning whether your reading my posts) I don’t give a **** what Blair did that’s past and gone . I’m interested in now and your doing what the Tories are trying to do and divert the attention . My posts are there for all to read and I’m pretty confident I’ve coveted all your points but you keep coming back about Blair instead of answering my points about the here and now and the **** this government had got us into.
i've studied politics, i was sponsored by my union, whether the referendum was divisive is not what i'm talking about and i certainly dont need a A level student to make me aware
i understand now, you dont give a **** about his lies, lies which were used in an election campaign,(you've even questioned whether or not he did lie) .. how come you dont give a **** about labour party lies but are up in arms about the lies told in the referendum ? btw, i'm not sure what you are on about when you say i'm deflecting what the tories are doing and for what its worth i hope whats happening is the end of the tories... i'm deflecting nothing marlon i just cant understand how some lies are simply dismissed as in the past, lies are lies to me bud, regardless of who says them and before you or anyone else says owt i was not in the least bit swayed by the claptrap bandied about in the referendum campaigns either, my anti eu stance has been with me all my working life and each lie and false promise only served to strengthen my view
Well if that’s the case dek you’ve a lot of threads to post from over the years . My posts were about the here and now and then you asked a question about Blair’s lies and not on the subject . If you want to trawl over everything previous government have done over the EU over many years that’s up to you im not interested in that at present . To say I’m ignoring it when it wasn’t relevant to my point Is a bit rich when you asked me about Blair without even referring to the points I had made . I’m sure people can bring many points about Blair and distract from what I’m posting about this shitfest .
It was a poor version of PR that was proposed, with no support from the major parties, New Labour (as it was then) & Tory. These changes need a proper explanation to the electorate & agree was too complicated to get a majority at a referendum. It's hard to see how we change it, unless the Lib Dems get a mass of seats at the GE, which is a possibility. It won't work in favour of the SNP either though, who on the current first past the post system need the fewest votes to elect an MP & could walk all the seats in Scotland at the next election under such a system, with Davidson gone & Brexit on the table.