I’m at second ref with a deal and leave and remain on the table . But whatever happens stay or leave it ain’t gonna heal the country imo.
I want to leave with or without a deal. However, I can't see that happening now. If they go to the second referendum and article 50 is revoked I hope that the government or parliament apologise to the electorate for pitting the people against each other. Personally I'd revoke article 50 right now over all the **** its caused over nothing. That's how I voted in the poll.
Where we are now is on very dangerous ground. MPs are refusing to recognise Direct Democracy - and insisting they make decisions and NOT the people. So we have - The People v MPs Boris realises the long term serious implications for the country if the referendum result is not implemented. Hence the desperation to get it through - Deal or No Deal.
Just a reminder that the percentage of the people in the UK old enough to vote, registered or unregistered who voted Leave was just over 25%. Hardly the will of the people is it?
What always seemed odd for me was that David Cameron offered the referendum then backed the remain campaign?
Nudge that's actually their job, to act in the countries best interests if they believe the people are wrong. Country Constituents Party
Nope, Johnson is doing what his paymasters say for their & his own interests. MPs are representatives of the electorate & thus vote in what they feel is in people’s/the country’s best interests!
I'm not sure why that's odd really. He had information accessible in greater detail to show the positives and negatives, and his single reason for triggering it was to try and see off ukip and generate greater tory majority. If his campaign hadn't been so dreadful, along with Corbyns being equally insipid, I think remain would have won. But it matters not, the can of worms he opened isn't getting sorted in any of our lifetimes.
Referendum. May's deal or Remain. Only 2 feasible options. Agree the country will be divided for some tome either way, but they are the only 2 options that appear to be open. If we remain there should be a move to look at reform of the EU, which given the situation in other countries may gain more traction than when Cameron had a half hearted effort at it.
Just did it to placate his back benchers. Another career politician putting his wage before his beliefs.
The problem is there was very little in the vote. if had been 60/40 and the majority vote in Scotland I would say that would be decisive Johnson isnt desperate to get it through because he believes it's the democratic will of the people. Surely even ardent Brexiteers dont believe that?
His aim was to solve the long running Europe debate within the Tory party. He also never really believed that the referendum would get the go ahead in the first place. So it all backfired on him on both counts! It’s ok for him though , he just gets to move on with his life and make a few comments to reporters before he goes for his morning jog. I do tend to back the view though that Brexit has just become the vehicle with which to play out the re-drawing of the political lines within the Uk. However what those lines are going to end up looking like would appear to be anyone’s guess ...