Isn’t it more like Bregzit than Bregit? Winds me up too. It’s a chuffing compound word of Britain and exit. There’s an x in it - pronounce it with a flaming x!
Yes you're right it does sound more like that. The person in the street, at work ect I don't really mind. People who are paid to talk about it on TV/radio and the actual politicians though, really get to me.
I hate "Bregzit". I have observed that many of the correspondents and presenters of Scottish origin use this pronunciation, although many BBC news presenters use this as well. Isn't it a copy of "Grexit" which was coined when there were fears that Greece would be forced to leave the Eurozone earlier this decade?
Could make it the southern European pronunciation, as in Xavier or Xabi. That'd be fun- they'd all sound p*ssed up.
Generalisations and stereotyping. Not all remainers are sore losers, not all leavers are ill-informed racists.
That's what has got my back up most Goat. I've found myself disagreeing with people just on the strength of that which isn't really me. When it comes to Brexit rather than just ignoring the whole debate I've been sucked in. I'm one of the least political people you could find with very limited knowledge as people can gather from some of my posts. The limited knowledge I have picked up is from the constant media bombardment. That's what I based my decision to leave upon.
I was in a similar position. I voted to remain, mainly because I couldn't see what there was to gain from leaving. Plus there were too many politicians that I distrusted on the leave side, including the latest PM. Us goats are not really political animals, so I found it odd that I was asked to vote in the first place.