So am I right in thinking that Blair went to war against the wishes of Key members of government, swathes of the British public and most of Europe on a dossier based on lies. My 2 pals in the marines that went in on the first wave said it was apparent very quickly that they would be leaving a void once they toppled sadams government, a fact that completely flummoxed Blair. Diplomacy, reasoning, planning and the option of other sanctions were completely off the table in his desperation for a war that would later result in our children dying at a pop concert amongst other horrific and dispicable acts. Add the loss of life of our troops and yes, what a top bloke!
Has anyone seen the recent film 'Vice' about Dick Cheney? There's some very revealing aspects of the Iraq War, neither Bush nor Blair are painted as white hats.
i could be my fault bud that my reasoning int too clear but the thatcher divisions were there to see throughout her reign as she affected much of the working classes,directly and indirectly, so I suppose what i'm trying to say about the brexit divisions are that they were there also, prior to Cameron going through with his pledge of a referendum,they just wernt as evident, the brexit vote simply highlighted these divisions.The rise of parties unheard of thirty years ago and the fact that the referendum result is in essence a split down the middle shows this. I didnt say the divisions under thatcher were greater, if you have another look at my post you will see that what i did say was that the country was no more divided under the thatcher years than it is now in the main the tories are the 'common denominator' as it was this lot that took us into europe and then further enshrined us with various treaties, many of which we attacked by the opposition, maastricht for example very nearly caused the collapse of the major government as they were seen as riding roughshod over the electorate with much of the left arguing that he (and the commons as a whole) did not have the power to sign away legislation, to which major argued that it wasnt written in our constitution As i keep pointing out, all the main political parties have either promised or called for a referendum on europe, The political union has been a storm brewing for years and imo sooner or later the preverbial was gonna hit the fan and i'd hazard a guess that this isnt THE only nation divided over the issue, this summer whilst in europe i had all manner of europeans telling me that they too should be given a vote as they are completely at odds over the union, my GB plates on my motorhome are the ice breaker to a brexit debate
What did you think to his idea of selling NHS buildings and land to private companies, therefore doing his bit to privatise the NHS. Now hospitals like pinderfields and pontefract are on there arse.
Ye but dek there may have been one or two come up to you and agreed about Brexit and their displeasure at their own EU status but look at the thousands you passed who didn’t come up because they disagreed with you