I can with some sort of coalition . The Tories have many remain seats and with the purge Johnson has put in place I can see a lot of Tory seats going to ex Tory independent MPs or Lib Dem’s . They’ll lose all of Scotland again so that’s Twelve sweats gone and I can’t see many strong labour areas voting for them or even Brexit party to steal seats . It’s gonna be interesting because if Tories get on with the Brexit Party it’s the end of the line for any sort of investment at all in our areas .
A coalition with the SNP may come at the price of a 2nd referendum on independence. Yes the brexit party could well be the way round winning seats in areas that are anti Tory. It's awful to hear working class folk in Barnsley saying what a good job they think Johnson is doing.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Way I think the lefts problem is it's adoption of third way politics is sadly grinding to a halt . It's policies pioneered by Blair , schroder and Clinton have run their course , voters are not receptive to these policies anymore . It would nt shock me one bit if labour started to hemorrhage votes from the more harder left wing of the party . It's certainly a behaviour I've seen in American politics and led directly to a trump win as Democrat voters stayed home instead of voting Hillary , a neo liberal war monger if I ever saw one . Another big mistake the Dems made was their message " vote Democrat because we're not trump " . They offered nothing past the status quo politics people had become tired of . Should labour go into any election with a similar " vote labour because we're not the Tories " message then a bloody nose could ensue , politically speaking .
If the voters are dumb enough to fall for this then they will deserve every last drop of the economic shitstorm that will descend on northern towns like Barnsley should no-deal be the outcome.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...Party-candidate-Amber-Rudds-constituency.html Apologies for the dailyfail , but this will be the brexit party's strategy come the election . They will merely field left wingers against both Tory and labour seats should they feel there's a strong enough pull of left wingers in that borough to win . There's plenty of moderate Lefty's out there who for political reasons , not racial are against the EU and what that particular organisation stand for .
Yes your right about left wingers who hate the EU who are willing to sell their soul for a one policy agenda . But let’s not kid anyone they are traitors to the working class . I myself am a staunch remainer but if my party turned against staying in I would still back them . Simple reason being although imo leaving would set the working class back years because the Tory party more than any other party are so destructive of the working class. I could never back a one policy party , never !! And if any ex miner or any working class person in our area votes for a Nigel Farage led party then shame on them . Whether it’s because of Brexit or whatever shame on them . And I don’t say this with any hatred to leavers as I can categorically reassure you and I’ve never met them but #dekparker &#sadbrewer who are staunch leavers would never vote for these charlatans .
Where do we get this Labour Party from. This is not the Labour Party I have supported for years. I will not give a vote for Corbyn and his henchmen. The party is tainted by people that have a hidden agenda and this supporting working class is a smoke screen. He will never set foot in no 10 only for meetings
That last bits a good thing, no? Why would he need to be there costing the taxpayers money if he DIDN’T have meetings??
Hopefully this will happen. Would love labour to be wiped out in Barnsley as I’m sure they will be in the rest of the country
I got about this far down your post before I was struggling . So your for labour ? War with Iraq / Afghanistan and PFI which really isn't a public/private partnership . Please tell me the bits I'm supposed to like .
Thankfully there's absolutely no chance of anything but a Labour win in Barnsley. And nationwide these people who are so against Corbyn/Labour are of a certain age group/colour/gender. The youth in this country are massively Labour as are the immigrant population. I can see a Labour/SNP/Libs coalition and I'd take that right now. I actually think it might be the best for the country to have a government that has to work together.
War with Iraq was 50%labour 100% Tory although Tory Blair was in charge . PFI was **** and so is Tory Privatisation. Please tell me the bits of Tory you like . Because let’s not kid anyone that’s the choice Always willing to pull someone else down without revealing their preferences .
I suspect, like most of the Brexit WUMs on here, we won’t hear from ‘Reds Fan’ again, at least not to reply to my or any other questions!!
Exactly Marlon . It's why I brought up American politics earlier . If labour get dragged into voting for the less of 2 evils then they ll lose .