Its not less of two evils though is it . It’s one evil and will save me a bit on my millions and might give the well off decent tax savings but the other will make sure you’r not desolate if things don’t work out . I’ve paid my taxes all my life and if I were called on to pay more I would fek the greedy millionaire money stashing .
I'm afraid that's the people who are in charge right now , while we reside in the EU . You takes your pick .
But the wider (and much more important point is... Am I a great fan of our last Labour govt? No Do I think the EU is perfect? No I'm really not a fan of the acceptance of neoliberalism as 'normal'. Do I though believe that the Brexit Party or the Tories will deliver anything I'd like better than the EU or Labour? Absolutely Not. It's criminal that people voting for this shitshower defend it by attacking Labour and the EU from the Left - because no one's rescuing us from a right wing labour party and EU - they're only interested in dragging us further to the right.
No more than the Greens and Lib Dems doing the same to avoid splitting the remain vote. It's the logical response to an archaic electoral system which never returns a Government which has the support of much more than 40% of the popular vote, but gives them huge majorities in Parliament and a "mandate" to make wholesale changes like wiping out the mining industry for example....–2010[?]2015,2017
Sounds like an absolute nightmare to me, 3 parties trying to agree ,maybe while they are sorting the Brexit thing where they loosely agree, but ongoing, the SNP only care about their patch, Labour are divided internally and the Lib Dem’s anybodies guess. Sound like another disaster waiting to happen
I'd far rather have three parties having to achieve consensus and actually put into place some policies that have been discussed and challenged than the rabid excesses of one party that has been hijacked by its most extreme elements.
We are obviously at the opposite end of the political spectrum so I rarely agree with your comments but in this instance IMO you are 100% correct. It aligns with a post I made the other day that (and I know you will not agree with this) but I still maintain that the Conservatives are good at generating wealth for the economy but invariably fail to distribute that wealth fairly ignoring those largely responsible for that (i.e. working people) in favour of business, corporations, and the high 'earners'. The age old accusations of Conservatives, 'taking from the rich and giving to the poor' holds true. True they give out 'scraps' to placate some in the form of increased tax allowance for the lower paid but the lion's share of an improved economy ends up in the pockets of those who need it least. Labour (and I am sure we will disagree on this) are the exact opposite. They hold the moral high ground when it comes to distribution of wealth, but unfortunately are poor when it comes to generating it and compound that by spending money we have not got through borrowing and running up huge deficits. IF only we had a party with the Conservative's ability to manage the economy and Labour's ability to distribute the benefit of that to advantage the whole country. Sadly we don't. The ONLY thing I ever heard Thatcher say that I could 100% agree with was "To have a strong welfare and healthcare system a country must have a strong economy" Trouble was in the boom years with a strong economy she ran the welfare and NHS system into the ground.
That’s the problem. I just can’t see three parties teaching any meaningful consensus on a ongoing basis. I mean, if they agreed that much, what’s the point in them being in three different parties to start with, and to start with they would have to gag Sturgeon to stop her banging on about independence to even get started on owt else.
I've said for a long time now that there are certain things that should be only cross party and not decided by whichever party has the purse strings at the time. Top of my list would be the NHS, take the funding of it away from regular Govt spending plans and have a specific tax to cover it, the amount of which would be decided by a cross party or Royal takes it away from being a political football.
Also, are you saying all miners had council houses & all council houses were rented by miners????? Just how many miners did buy their council houses? Looks like the lass from penistone has joined the liberals . Her 3rd party in six months . It shows you how little she stands for , but hey she's for remain so she must be good un .......