Obviously others apart from miners bought their house .I was merely highlighting Marlon's point to not vote Tory because of the miners when many miners screwed subsequent generations by purchasing their house . The war generation got it bang on with their housing policy . That we threw that ideal under a bus for the sake of personal gain is one of the great tradegys of the last 40 years or so .
I've told you already , in reply to Marlon's point about the strike . I find it ironic that folk say don't trust the Tories over brexit but many we're quite happy to trust them regards housing policy back in the day . By the way what is the labour/ lib/ green policy on housing ? Same as the Tories by any chance ?
Generations wouldn’t have been screwed had Thatcher allowed councils to reinvest the monies raised from house sales back into Social Housing
Social housing stocks countrywide have dropped by about 4.5million from the introduction of the policy in the early 80s to the present day. There are currently about 2million social "houses" in the UK. According to Nick Clegg (your belief may vary) when in coalition, but Cameron dismissed the opportunity to build more social housing as it "created Labour voters".
Thanks for that mate but I was asking bfc1001 how many miners had bought their council houses as He/she believes that the miners have screwed a generation. It's not ironic, it's a fact. Now, repeat after me " NEVER TRUST A TORY"
Let's just hope that's not labour's election message come the election or they will loose . https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2018/05/collapse-europe-s-mainstream-centre-left Decent article on the lefts decline across Europe . As scoff has noted in his post , you look at the decline of social housing and after 13 years of labour rule what did they do about it ? Nothing . They just went along with the banks and did what they said . I had high hopes for corbyn , I thought he actually might bring some common sense to the labour party but I've a feeling he's going to sell out to the neo liberals with the vain hope that he might get the chance to enact some of his policies . I can only shake my head in disbelief at what the left has become over the last few decades .
Its an uphill struggle for the left as the right have control of the majority of the propaganda agencies . Example being the bombardment of targeted voters in the referendum campaign on Facebook and the illusion of 76million Turks joining the EU and being granted freedom of movement .
Agree with that and also the utilities should be reprivatised and given same status along with others railways etc. Brexit also imo should have been given cross party involvement and I don’t think we would have had this mess imo
Just read a news paper article stating that the PM isn't going to ask the EU for an extension to Brexit in spite of the legislation that is going to be passed by the Queen?
I`ve never thought of myself as a socialist and certainly don`t feel in anyway allied to Mr Corbyn. However I voted to remain in the EU and would if given the vote again (don`t particularly want another Referendum as I don`t think there would be a different outcome). I feel the least damaging outcome of all of this is a "deal" to come out but I can`t see a viable route for this. I think I`m completely disenfranchised from all the parties/alternatives on offer - what do I do?
I don't think he will play it that way Stephen Dawson I think he will have two letters in one envelope, One stating he has been forced by the politicians of this country to ask for a extension. And a second one stating it is not what he wants and does the EU really want him in the room voting against everything they want to pass
Was that in the torygraph? Legal twitter is completely certain that were Boris to refuse to do this he is looking at a long prison sentence and also open to being sued personally by companies/people who lose money as a result of a no deal brexit. Even Boris isnt that stupid is he? As a secondary point I fail to understand how allegedly over 30% of the population seems to be supporting him overriding the explicit wishes of parliament. Are they mad? I thought Brexit was about taking back control though I suppose vote leave never was explicit that that wasnt intended for just a few far right politicians and advisers
Bercow to step down, either today, if the GE vote goes through. Otherwise on 31st October. Bad times.