Oh I fu'ckin' hope so!!! They're probably marching the daft intern who found it on Google Images out of the building at gunpoint, as is their wont.
No....this one didn't come to the voting stage, it was roughly the same deal with some sweeteners to try and bring Labour on board.
I can only repeat what Karlsson said.....although cost was one reason the EU gave for not adopting it.
They know the Colonel isn’t a chicken... right? Also, are they implying that JFC stands for ‘Totally Spineless Chicken?’ I do hope they are sued for their crap nonsensical joke. Comparing Corbyn to the logo for a much loved food chain is a weird choice to make.
Looks like they've used and doctored that image without permission too. Desperate times make desperate people do desperate things I guess...
She would vote against a deal she would help negotiate. Enough fact for me, they will all do the same.
She said she would honour the referendum by agreeing a deal with the EU but as she wants to stay in Europe she will campaign to stay in . What is hard to understand about that ? She’s honouring the referendum and standing by her beliefs . It’s not hard to understand although some are making it into something it’s not to justify their ill gained and wrong assumption
It is very hard to understand why they would even send someone hellbent on remaining to negotiate a deal, knowing she doesn't give a damn if it tanks or not. Just like what happened with TM's deal. Whats hard to understand about that? It's not hard to understand that she stood on a party manifesto of honouring the referendum result of 2016 so to vote against any deal especially one negotiated by her own party if that ever happens then she lied at election time. Not hard to understand that really. Sums up Labour at the moment, no better from the government. General election and let the people decide who they want to represent them in parliament now based on the last 3 years.. MP's calling for a referendum now are doing do because they see it as a get out of jail free card..If they go to a general election they could lose their seat. Whereas a precedent has now been set to ignore referendums, making them no longer fit for purpose. But I know both current main parties are terrified of a Gen Election. Both because they will lose to Lib Dems and Brexit Party. I'd predict a small majority for Tory / possibly a hung parliament, with Labour pushed into third. Tories will probably have the largest number of MP's so will then do some sort of deal with brexit party to form a co government. Do you honestly see Labour winning a general election?
Well if all that’s hard for you to understand then there’s no more to be said . I’d be just wasting my time .
A general election won’t solve the Brexit problem. You’ll end up with leave-supporting MPs in remain-voting constituencies and vice-versa. Plus what about all the other issues facing this country closer to home? Do you thing Farage and his merry band have any kind of coherent policy on education, the NHS, social care, housing, transport etc? Of course they haven’t. A single-issue general election will leave us in an even worse position. People’s vote only way out of this.
I often wonder what some people do for a living. I can’t remember the last job I had where I agreed with everything I had to do. Sometimes our job is to argue a case we don’t fully believe in, but we tie the party line because that’s what we get paid to do. By the same token we use whatever feedback loops are available to influence decisions made above.
Peoples vote is even more pointless. It will solve nothing. It it goes the same way, remain would still not accept it, likewise the other way. General Election the only way, no referendum can be taken seriously now.
Exactly pointless exercise. Said it earlier the Tories and Labour vote will suffer most at a gen election, they are both terrified of losing their grip on power.
They do have another policy. The cancellation of the "hated" inheritance tax. Something not paid by anyone from Barnsley last year.