The media have already put a massive negative on this story. I mean when ever something positive happens in someone’s life, they always bring up the past. So frustrating. What a depressing world we now live in.
It’s fitting that in such a detestable “honours” list a convicted girlfriend beater gets knighted. In unrelated news I see the Tories have shafted the domestic abuse bill again. Last time it was May the incompetent . This time it’s Boris the liar
He’s just this minute had a paddy on Radio 4 as they brought up his conviction - “I couldn’t give a toss, love”! Not words often heard on the Today programme!!
Good batsman not a very nice man and certainly not worthy of a knighthood in my opinion due to his conviction for domestic violence
My Dad told me that at the beginning of his career most of Fitzwilliam clubbed together to raise money for him to go on one of his first tours and didn't get any recognition such was his arrogance.
The first replies to this thread are absolutely disgraceful. "During the trial, the court was told that Boycott pinned Miss Moore down and punched her 20 times in the face before checking out and leaving her to pay the bill." I expect if someone does this to your mother, wife, sister, daughter you’ll be suitably happy for me to berate you for PC gone mad if you’re at all upset about it. I know I have to put this in the context of your families as you are incapable of feeling empathy in any other context. @Donny Red @On yer tyke @JackTatty @TintwistleTyke
I’ve had the ‘pleasure’ of his company on two occasions due to a business thing a few years ago and he’s one of the most arrogant and unlikeable men I’ve met. Great cricketer though.