Scottish Parliament confirms that Yellowhammer is titled with "base" prediction in the copy they were given a couple of weeks ago. Welsh Assembly also got a copy and both are the same as the one leaked to the Times. So along with redacting large parts, the Govt changed the title. Their naming conventions are pretty crap. But can the Black Swan papers now be released, which is the worst case.
But how far will earnings be driven down if we are in competition with the larger low-wage economies? That has the potential to cancel any lowering of prices. Furthermore, it seems we are already being softened up for a diminution in standards of food and other goods once we lose the protection of the EU regulations to which we were happy to sign up.
They were available if you looked for them. The problem is as soon as they became well known they were drowned out as 'Project Fear' by Farage and his cronies.
Like this you mean? As above, "We don't need experts", "Project Fear" "Sunlit Uplands", etc, etc, etc. The experts knew and were telling people. The people ignored them to listen to someone telling lies that made them feel better.
Yes we ******* do!! There’s rules that have to be adhered to. Do you shrug your shoulders and say ‘I don’t know’ when faced with evidence of everything? Do you order a pint only in the hope they’ll charge the advertised price? Do you think ‘well it says it’s £3.50, but it might only be a £1’? Or the robbing ******** might charge me a fiver? There’s rules, we know how long it takes to ship things from China. We know how much things cost that are sold elsewhere. It’s not a mystery, it’s not a guessing game; we can make predictions based on facts. It’ll take me about 20 minutes to drive to Oakwell on Sunday morning, which is quicker than a Saturday afternoon kickoff. Now there could be an issue and it might take a bit longer, or I could have a serious accident and never arrive; but it’s not gonna miraculously take 15 seconds.
I think we do know what remain looks like. You're right that we don't know what Leave looks like but whoever's figures you take (including Boris' govt. & JRM) leave doesn't look great. Of course everyone could be wrong & it will be fantastic, just not likely though is it, be honest. JRM said it would take a generation to correct itself. That generation happens to be both of my sons. I'm pleading with you please don't put their future at risk unless you are sure in your heart of hearts that their sacrifice will be worth it ... please
of course there are facts now. we've been in the EU for a generation and longer. if you can present anything better than we have now feel free.
Well if you're worried about the EU becoming more right wing/nationalistic, you're gonna absolute hate what's happened here!! A right-wing PM publicly lauded & cheered by the likes of Yaxley-Lennon and his braindead goons, beered-up right-wing mobs prowling round Westminster spoiling for a fight, right-wing commentators (no better example than that odious cu.nt Katie Hopkins) emboldened to publish the very worst, vile filth on social media platforms with utter umpunity and a group of supposedly educated men & women using language like 'traitors', 'enemies of the people', 'surrender' and 'collaborators' from their positions of power, with not a care for the terrible period in our history those phrases evoke. But wow, yes, how awful to be part of that right-wing EU.....
Brexit isn't on me personally though. Yes I voted leave but so did millions of others. Should I be vilified for voting to leave the EU? Having read the evidence I'd seriously reconsider but I can't take back my vote.
I’m not actually a leaver, I’m just grown up enough to try and look at it from both sides and not just abuse anyone who wants to leave. I just accept the vote and feel what will be will be. I’m presuming this document is just all doom and gloom with no mention of opportunities. Eg I read other day that if we left the EU there would be a shortage of bacon. My initial thought was well then surly that’s an opportunity for some savvy guy to buy/ breed some pigs and sell some bacon while creating a few jobs lol
No, you shouldn't be vilified. Plenty of people in the same position are #RemainerNow. However, those who lied to you certainly should be vilified - and will hopefully face prosecution and suitable punishment for their lies - especially if lying for financial gain. The problem is, if we vote then we have to take responsibility for our votes - so if you regretted your choice and don't like the potential result of it, then do what you can to stop it happening - even if that is just changing the minds of one or two others.
IIRC Pig farming is predicted to be the only sector of farming that survives the combination of zero import tariffs and export tariffs.
i get the fact some will think of opportunities, there are always opportunities when there is uncertainty. however i stand by my comment of if anyone, it wasn't really aimed at you of course, could provide a list of benefits to leaving then id be more than willing to discuss them, everyone would. As far as i can see however there are none apart form the sound bytes that have been trotted out a million times.