That's simply not true. If they'd put up a bridge already that looked ****, you'd be the first one to complain about it.
But thats exactly what they HAVE done. Theyve put up a bridge that looks **** AND isnt fit for purpose. Three years after they knew the closure date.
Exactly. An extremely ugly structure has been erected in the town centre that blights the town centre interchange. And to make matters worse this structure can only be used at certain times. Consequently the police on match days are having to compensate for the inabilities of this Labour Council. Why isn’t the Barnsley Chronicle campaigning to oust these Labour councillors and lackeys in the planning department !?!?!
We pay taxes to Barnsley Council for them to employ Planning Officers. Clearly our taxes are being wasted on wages for people that would be better employed picking litter up in the town centre.
Who the hell are Rail Track ??? And - whatever structure was erected, they would need Barnsley Planning Department authorisation - especially as it links an official right of way. Not the first time Barnsley Councillors in league with their slack planning department has fooked up. The town of Barnsley deserves better than this shower of shi.te.
It's Network Rail actually . They don't need permission from the council at all. The railways are a separate entity they even have their own police.
"An official right of way" is something you've just made up. I agree it's a shambes and pathetic, but you're going after the wrong people.
******* hell fire, if you can understand that then good luck, there will be flashpoints absolutely everywhere. The cynic in me reckons that syp will be rubbing their hands at the thought of the justifiable future overtime for the rest of the season off the back of this.
Been past interchange past few days and there installing new cctv , so I should imagine like the ones in the town centre, they’ll only turn them on on match days
At full time Oakwell Lane will be the usual carnage of cars speeding up and down almost making skittles of people and resulting in car drivers getting abused for dangerous driving and getting their cars booted. Don't know why that narrow road isn't shut for 15 minutes or so at full time and know even less why people drive on there knowing a Football game has just finished. I'm sure something will be done about it soon as someone is seriously injured or worse.
Yeah, they should have spent a fortune on a massive temporary bridge that can cope with a peak flow for approximately 50 hours a year. At least it would have given you something else to moan at the council about.
Are we saying then that the closing of a road and public right of way has had NO INPUT whatsoever from Barnsley Planning Department ??? If we are ............ then foooking LOL !!! I’ll say it again - Barnsley Planning Department has foooked up AGAIN and there is no councillor bright enough on the planning committee who knows what they are doing. Labour controlled Barnsley Council are an absolute shambles.
You all should be aware that they are using this Sunday’s match as preparation for a No Deal exit. Similar scenes will become commonplace.
Put yourself up as a councillor then - you're so smart once you've been elected you'll soon be the Leader of The Council.