Not vilifying you personally, I've got family who voted to Leave (older generation). Big respect to you for the fact that you say you might reconsider. Very few people in this whole thing have the character to even admit the possibility that they might change their minds
We're trying not to because it's the wrong move. Even official government documents paint the shittiest picture imaginable, yet you still think we should leave... People are the weirdest.
Whether I think we should leave or not is irrelevant. The country voted to leave. We had 2 years to do so. Instead of preparing to leave to try and make it as smooth as possible we tried our best not to. Now we could end up leaving with **** all in place. It’s as if we had the referendum and the EU said right you have a week to **** off. The problem with this referendum was not the result it was the losers failing to accept the result. I didn’t vote leave btw. I just don’t care either way
It wasn’t the losers refusing to accept ! It was the winners hadn’t a fekin clue what happens next . This has been the baby of the Tory party who mostly voted to leave . Everyone trying to blame other people/party’s who are In Opposition .
We voted to leave by a gnats pube and it is the wrong move, I'm glad leaving is being made as difficult as possible. Why should the result be accepted if it's been proved to be damaging to the welfare of the very people who voted for it? **** like that needs fighting all day every day.
Because they were trying to please everyone. To stop the remainers crying. Honestly wish after the vote they would have just said, right we’re leaving with no deal and we will spend the next 2 years making it the least painful we possibly can. At least everyone would have known where they stood. To be honest I think that’s what most who voted leave thought was going to happen
That’s just rubbish mate , Your sounding more like a staunch Brexiteer every post contrary to what you were saying in your earlier posts .
Surely we can have red, white and blue hammers now or even make them the same colour as our new passports... Pesky EU health & safety jobsworths making us have yellow hammers!