I'm sorry but this is what I object to most. They have been trying to negotiate to Leave. Don't fall for the popular media myth that the process has been hijacked by remoaners. What's stopped the process is the ERG insisting on sending May in with 'red lines' that painted her into a corner - so the deal she came back with was something they wouldn't back. A government with a majority and a stated aim of leaving the EU was stopped from doing so by the very people shouting loudest that it should happen. Despite what you may have heard - Corbyn, remoaners and the Lib Dems have no part in this - a majority government pissed away their majority and arsed about with infighting for 3 years. We haven’t left because the arseholes who wanted to leave haven’t got a clue what kind of leave they want.
Don't worry, Boris wants to build another bridge, this time between Scotland and Northern Ireland. He reckons only £15bn. Apparently that part of the North Sea has millions of tonnes of unmapped, unexploded ordinance from WW2 in it. That and ridiculously harsh sea conditions and deep water.
Not sure how I'd feel about driving over miles and miles of water especially during bad weather. Don't suppose its that different from being on a boat, but for some reason it seems more scary
Given we're clearly ALL Guardian readers on here, you'll have seen today's crossword, yeah? Bravo to that compiler.....
Issue with showing that leave picture. We can't negotiate terms of a new deal. Never have been and never will until we leave. The EU flat out refuse to discuss a new deal without us leaving first. It's part of the rules of being in the EU. The agreement is about how we leave. Not what the country is then signing up to. Plus. Whilst the leave campaign also states they will try negotiate a new deal before legally starting the process to leave..... It was also the EU that pressed the UK to invoke article 50. And would not discuss anything until that was triggered.
Sticking to the rules, it will never catch on. The problem was remainers pointed out the rules, pointed out we couldn’t negotiate a deal, but the leave campaign told leavers it would be ok... you might even call it lied to them maybe? in an attempt to sway those who wanted to leave but were worried.
I'm not into debating this and saying who lied. Because both sides have as far as I'm concerned. I'm just pointing out that highlighting things like that, which was before any vote took place isn't really going to get anyone anywhere. For the reasons I noted. I just don't recall anyone (I may be wrong) pointing out those rules at the time it was released in the campaign. Only afterwards.
The rules were clear, stated many times before the vote, vote leave, invoke article 50 and then negotiate. It may not get anywhere now but it does show the folly of those claiming no deal was the default option and what they all wanted.
It maybe how you've written it, but i agree with I understood invoke and then negotiate. That was clear. It was all about the negotiation of the 36bn and withdrawal. What isn't clear which is what I'm seeking reference to, is that I don't recall anyone, on any side anywhere before the vote took place that we couldn't discuss a new deal until we had actually left. Did anyone raise it. I've obviously slept and got a bit older but I can't genuinely recall it. I'm happy to be shown this if it was, because it is a slight irritation bubbling away.
Said all along that I don’t care if we leave or remain. I’m just fed up of it now. It’s all been a shambles. Everyone blaming each other depending whose side they are on. Once the vote was leave we should have just left end of. I accepted the result of the referendum. I didn’t agree when May said she would get a deal to suit everyone. That was always gonna be a problem.
You’ve accepted leave even though the likely scenario of what will happen has just been published by a staunch leave govt under protest? Maybe just Maybe you’ll be grateful that some of us stood up to be counted . It’s like being led to the gallows with the executioner waving proof of your innocence in your face, but accepting that the sentence be carried out because you went through a trial where everyone was lying and you couldn’t prove it till after the sentence .
That's the trouble with all this Brexit twisted information speak, now encapsulated in your post. A "reasonable worst case" scenario now becomes "likely". As for this gallows stuff - there has been many a martyr led there because of their beliefs. Lots of them dying for religious reasons. And nobody has proof on their side. Not even you.
I have to say it’s fantastic to finally see a prime minister who has a vision for the country and is like a train on the tracks and nothing is going to stop him in his quest to implement the democratic referendum result of the country. As a traditional Labour supporter - who has been an NUM official - I was on strike for 12 months - I never thought I’d hear myself say that I support a Conservative prime minister 100%.