I'd be interested in seeing just what kind of 'deal' Labour has in mind that it would negotiate with the EU when the EU know that they will then put it to a vote and most of them will campaign against it. What a ridiculous stance. No wonder Lady Nugee was laughed at on QT. Corbyn is a brexiteer because the EU will be a barrier to his aims to nationalise everything but his Brexit would amount to taking the EU flag down from the front of the town hall. Compared to Labour's Brexit, we might as well stay.
The difference is the owner of the New Street premises doesn't tell you how to run them...or when you can or cannot leave.
The thought of lifelong Labour voters voting Tory or Brexit party suggests the right wing media should be getting a bonus
The problems in our country will still be there whether we are in or out of Europe , unemployment , low wages , lack of affordable houses , homelessness , poverty , the list is endless . So can’t see whether we leave or stay will solve any of these especially if it keeps boris in power