Unamimous! Boris misled the Queen In any normal situation he would be resigning immediately but I bet he doesnt
I just watched the judgment in the kitchen at work. Magnificent. I love Lady Hale and her crazy brooches.
Absolutely incredible... not that often you hear rulings citing happenings from 1611 either. I’m sure hate will flow at lady hale and Gina Miller, sovereignty and democracy alive and well.
The delicious irony of true & proper democracy outwitting those who claim democracy is being betrayed!! What a day!
Tories would win with a landslide and Corbyn would have to resign from being trashed by one of the worst governments ever.
So when do we restart parliament? Tomorrow? Monday? What are they going to do with the extra couple of days? Discuss Brexit? Theyve had three years to do that..
And how many days of parliamentary time have they had since a new unelected far right leader took over?