Giving members the opportunity to decide if we should have a trial where political threads have their own forum.
Yes please and whilst I have your attention can you make the Player of the season running total a sticky in place of the week 2 one Thanks
If boring, repetitive and pointless is the issue, there are many posters who deserve their own forums.
If you move them can we have £350 million per week for players slapped on the side of a Tracky bus please ?
In the summer there were a few calling for this as in their words the forum was mostly political threads . If it hadn’t been for political threads or jokes about politics all threads then imo the forum would have been almost static with posts from days ago still halfway down the current page .
Surely if a separate forum is created for politics, you have to ban everything aside from football on the main board? No?
We knead to taik bakc controwl ov are foarum. It will be teh easiest fing in teh whirled two leeve, and they're will bee an ecstra 350 million freds a week four teh futborl foram. Kick owt all teh politickal freds hoo are tayking owver. Ey'em not a pollitikal fred raycist but get vem orl owt. #leevemeensleeve
When you’re going to the game with your mates do you move to a different pub if someone wants to talk about something that isn’t football?