If you are doing that fair play. I have to travel a fair bit in my job, but I'd be happy not to, if I could find well paid work in the UK. When I'm home I holiday in the UK & hang out with my dogs, that I borrow off a friend.
I’ve just finished reading “uninhabitable earth”. Very sobering read. But fundamentally, individuals hardly make that much impact. Governments and companies do. The psychopath destroying the Amazon would equate to suddenly be a bigger net carbon emitter than the US and China combined! I’d suggest picking it up and skimming it. Not an easy read, but it considers so many factors that are generally glossed over and ignored.
I just feel it's a bit hypocritical of this country who benefited hugely from the industrial revolution to tell other countries they cant do the same. My Dads doing the no more flying thing ( not that hes ever flown much) and gone vege but as I like my holidays abroad sorry. I think every generation has a "thing" . It was nuclear weapons for mine. And no aerosols cos of the ozone layer. I cant honestly see people going back in time and living without what they have now unless forced to. Things like the shopping bag tax will.be brought in but nothing major.
Yep , that's my big hope . The death of these big supernational s such as the EU . Their all about " economic growth " , or in plain English more consumption . We're all for the environment , until reality bites .
This is a term for a concept I've been trying to describe when talking to people for years. The idea that when it finally comes round to being 'our turn', or having a prime minister and president who are of our generation we can start fixing stuff. They're even younger and don't see themselves as having enough time, or trust us in between to do so.
Some of the attacks against a 15 year old girl trying to make a difference, are staggering. Michael Knowles, Andrew Bolt, Aaron Banks, Donald Trump, all global-scale c.nuts.
The elephant in the room is population size. At some point, as grim and potentially evil as it could transpire, humans will have to evaluate their impact and potentially limit or reduce numbers. Otherwise the planet will do it for us. I think I read that around the time of the Roman Empire, population was approx 220m. The curve of people growth will only get steeper speeding up ice sheet melt, carbon ppm in our skies and land getting destroyed by mixtures of rising sea levels, fire, drought and even mudslide. It sounds apocalyptic, it probably will be, but probably not quite in our lifetimes. And I agree, it is hypocritical of the UK but if you look at warming, much of the damage has been done since Al Gores inconvenient truth 30 years ago. Personally I don’t think people have what it takes to combine as a planet and nature will have to correct our behaviours for us.
https://www.worldometers.info The growth of the population and therefore number of “consumers” will have a massive effect upon the planet. Energy, plastics, pollutants, etc all rise with increased population. Not sure what the answer is, but it’s more than just not going to Spain for your jollies!
We have more people on the planet alive now, than all the people born up to 1900... and this is still expanding.
If anyone has never seen the TV drama Utopia it's fantastic and worth a watch, the problem of overpopulation is central to the plot.
I'm not sure that crocodiles, sharks, and various other reptiles/birds would be happy to know they've been killed off.