Suppose on which way ya look at it. If ya love playing hes dropped a knacker, if ya in it fkr the cash hes laughing all the way to the bank
Caused in while his Stock was at it highest. Has taken a contract that if he's sensible will set him up for life. Not sure if he signed for 2 or 3 years but he'll only be 29/30 when that is done. Plenty more time for a keeper to play games. I can't blame the guy one bit, if he had stayed here on a fraction of the wage and had a poor season he may never have got the chance to earn that sort of money again. He would have been a fool turn it down.
Was more than likely told butland was on his way and it was him or federici in goal. Butland whose just dropped yet another clanger didn’t move. Now he’s third choice
Laughed at them saying how hard he worked and he didnt mean to make mistakes. Does anyone mean to make mistakes?
I bet he can’t believe his luck, I wasn’t the biggest of fans. He’s got the best out of his ability and fair play to him. When he was last in the championship sat behind Walton I bet he thinks he’s now won the lottery to be dragging home 12 grand a week to watch Stoke play.
This is true. Basically Butland and Stoke were happy to part ways. But Butland didn’t want to drop wages elsewhere - he wanted similar money. Couldn’t quite get a deal done, so ended up staying. Butland is a decent keeper - wouldn’t surprise me if he went in January, with Stoke making up some of his wages as part of the deal. They need him off the wage bill. Butland also seems to pick up quite a few injuries, which also makes his wages hard to match.
Stoke fans reckoning that he's had a falling out with Jones and should be given a chance. Seems a bit of a waste for 2 players who formed a strong defence in league 1 and know each others game to not to be given a chance given how poor they're playing.
5 months doing nothing then he will get loaned out in jan but still on his 12k a week. Win win for lad. Only lost 5 months of playing time. And if they ever do sell butland he will move up one in pecking order.....
Had a look at the Stoke under 23 games this season. They have played five games and he's only played two of them...... A combined 372 fans attended the two games. They are away at Reading at 7 pm tomorrow, so he's another chance of playing in front of 100 and odd fans.