It’s sad that we’ve moved from what was arguably the best side in division 1 to the worst side in the championship. It’s naive to think that a team can get promoted and sell their best players and replace them with untried youngsters and expect a successful outcome. I can’t apportion blame, because I don’t know who carries most influence and responsibility in the club’s administration, but it seems to me that they all carry a portion of it. The plan is untried, unproved and clearly not working. The board seem to want success without investment and to believe that it’s possible to get it. The coach, if he can’t get results with the resources he has been given, would be mad to persevere with the job. I’m not blaming the players, because I’m sure that they are trying their best and it’s not their fault if they are not good enough. It’s the fault of a system that throws them to the dogs and doesn’t allow them to be introduced in a way that they can be assimilated to the level they are expected to play at.
I feel sorry for the players, young kids getting hammered every week with fans on there backs, it's no good for anybody. They are probably good players but need some guidance from experienced heads which they haven't got, imagine being an apprentice going into a job with nobody to learn from apart from other apprentices
A lot of teams in our division are cheating financially, either we accept it will bite them on the bum eventually or we join em.
Worst teams than us get players to stay.. we dont. Its almost a given, almost a contractual decision that if ur any good were selling you. Let barnsley put i in the shop window the **** off. Sick of it. Its the thing that pisses me off most. Put up with the ****, then when theyre good, kiss goodbye. Whats the point?
The reason why our best players want to leave i think comes down to:- - they were signed up with the intent of moving them on when their value was highest. Players know this is part of our plan and therefore see it as a stepping stone and a couple of years investment for their next move - they know we don't share their ambition of playing at the highest level of whatever league we are in. We have a get out of L1 target and be just good enough in The Champ as our targets. The trigger point therefore is that players want out when we go up - our wage structure doesn't fit the average level of the division. While teams would easily pay 10-20k per wk for our best players we stick to the 3-6k level. The 6M delta from L1 to champ isnt recognised in player incentives of salaries. If we treat players only like financial assets they will act like financial assets. Players moving on is therefore Fundamental to our plan. The issue is the plan has changed for the worse. Now no players over age of x and no loanees narrows our opportunities to be successful in the championship increasing our competitive risk. Any plan should adapt to the environment. Having been a happy clapper i have started to realise the financial income is the only thing. We have seen this plan fail now at every championship opportunity and we have tweaked it to give us even less chance. The difference now is this looks more like a more catastrophic failure with no longer the open transfer window / loanees not bailing us out. As fans we can keep getting behind the team and players and manager. But a time comes when you run out of energy and ask is it worth it. Thats where I'm at right now. Is my money, time and effort worth investing in BFC when i compare the return on investment in terms of enjoyment, entertainment, and moderate success. Someone said i had a heart like a pea. Im more inclined to ask myself when sitting in the cold and waiting in the car park if i have the brain like a Brussels sprout.
I've been wondering what would replace the Plan if it ever got ditched. We have been living under such austerity for so many years that I cannot imagine what the club would be like if suddenly all restrictions were lifted and freedom to roam was granted. Players know they have a get out and use it to their advantage. They know they will not be offered significant improvements to their contract so going anywhere else becomes a no brain option. How on earth we get players in in the first place is beyond me since all we are offering them is a way out in a couple of years. Being a yoyo club seems to appeal to the present regime but eventually the string will break and we will tumble, taking everybody including the supporters with them. There's only so much bull that supporters will put up with.
Your right and its why I referred in another post to heart being ripped out of club. This season was make or break for us. Lots of excitement and ticket sales. Could have propelled us with real momentum. Paul conway did his best to raise expectations. What a foolish short term plan his comments were. I've watched banshee for 35 years. If they don't turn round this on a big way to justify the preseason comments they made I honestly don't think I'll renew my season ticket. Heart of a pea? Maybe or maybe this board has taught me that saving money and not wasting it on a leisure pursuit is how the world works. Very sad .
questioned the motivations of the plan in a post some time ago....are we in it for the owners to profit or for us to be sucessful as a football team..the current owners dont have OUR emotional link to OUR club therefore it must be financial...but listen to simon jordan ex palace owner on talksport and he'll tell ya NOBODY gets rich from running a football team. like many others on here now my question was whats the goal??? Thers no sucess without investment and thers no investment unless were sucessful..which at present wer !!! Answers on a postcard..cos im totally lost as to wer were going....(yes..i kno its L1)
they want to leave because they get better offers elsewhere, that is human nature, greed. to compete we have to match or better these offers, if you pay peanuts you get monkey's
You mean force them to work for us.... sort of like slaves? Didn't realise that was a thing again. Good to know.
nope I’m saying the reality is that no player we have or could hope to have ‘wants’ to play for us and all would be off if they got the chance for more money and a ‘better’ club. Our business model is based on this desire and we actively encourage (dis)loyalty. Can you expect a player to honour a contract they have signed and play to the best of their ability during that contract of course.