Our injured players have an extra week due to international break We scored an away goal We did level from behind again first half Another set piece leading to a goal. Collins made some great saves by all accounts The situation is as it is. We have played well for 30 min spells, we need to elongate this and that will come with hard work and discipline which I believe our players are capable off. Stoke hadn't won in ages and then they beat a top team. Heads need to stay up and as Daniel's enthusiasm is one of his qualities as a acoach then that should be within his capabilities. There is no quick fix . Fans continually going over what has happened in the summer won't change anything. COYR
You keep writing the same "positive" thread after each game. The things you listen are not positives, they are things that are expected in any 90 minute game whether you are top of the league or the bottom. They're professional footballers and you are saying it's a positive that the goalkeeper made a save.
I appreciate optimism as much as the next person but we have to accept reality. We play well we lose. We play badly we get hammered.
Yep, that's the way it's been. And that isn't positive but can you see no way to change that in 35 games? If you can, that's positive, if you can't then I understand your depression/anger/frustration. I'm positive.
there are ways to change it but they only exist in January and involve our owners changing the model which I can’t see happening. The current squad try hard and put the maximum effort in and of course we can see and appreciate that but simply said they aren’t yet of the required level.
Agree and disagree with that. Players not at required level to play the way we are trying to - agreed. Only way to make things better waits until Jan window - disagree.
The overall point Redhelen is making is that rather than harping back to what should have happened in the summer, we accept that we are where we are, look for marginal improvements (we scored away, our set piece play is better, players will come back) and just get on with it. We’re all upset and know mistakes were made in the summer but all we can do until January is dig in, stay in touch with the other teams and support the team. Some of us feel better having a go at the players and club but some of us want to help them build their confidence and improve and think the best way of doing that, and getting what we all want, is by staying positive.
Give over with her ffs, she only searched round to come up with a few positives, and let’s face it we could do with something! In return she gets lambasted in ( imho) an unnecessarily aggressive way that could even be seen as borderline bullying.
Woodrow didn’t get loved to death by a massive angry dinosaur Conway didn’t drag Mowatt off the pitch after 37 minutes and told him to swap shirts and shoot the other way because he’d sold him to Preston over prawn sandwiches in the directors box Stendel didn’t express his dissatisfaction about the level of away support by doing a massive dirty protest in front of the away end. Thiam didn’t get any game time. So all in all, it was a pretty successful day if you just look at it through the right lens.
I sincerely admire your unrelenting optimism, but the position the people that run the club have put us in is simply unacceptable. In any other walk of life they would be pursued for taking money (ours) under false pretences. I’ve said previously that my love for professional football has more or less been extinguished by Sky et al. Supporting Barnsley is the exception. Or perhaps I mean ‘was’ the exception. Beginning to think so.
Positives: No one's talked about Brexit for a week. Car parking issues may be solved due to fewer spectators. There are still 79 shopping days to Christmas. We are not Chesterfield or Bradford.
On a more serious note, all we can do is get behind the players. No point victimising them. It's pretty hard to be optimistic, as there is little sign of any improvement over the 11 games, or really even a settled starting line up. I guess Diaby will come back in at CB & having Dougall back, when match fit may shore up our central defence & distribution of the ball. The thing that spoke volumes for me was DS's post match press interview. He really didn't sound at all happy, which is understandable, but he seemed to be struggling to come up with how we are going to turn this round. The danger with a young group like this is a bad start was always likely to knock the stuffing out of the players, with no senior pros in the squad.
We wanted an away goal.and we got one. Obviously it was not enough but a small step in the right direction.