I’ll add my voice to the many disappointed by this news, sacked or walked, the blame lies squarely at the door of the boardroom for me.
Probably knows that come January what's been said is a load of boll... Ocks re transfer window.. On a hiding to nothing... In my opinion if he's walked he's done the right thing from his point of view.. And given what we've witnessed so far from these owners who can blame him..i for one wish him all the best for the future... Maybe best idea... Get rid of these owners and then... welcome him back with open arms
Disappointed to see him go too, but reality is responsibility lies with Board, Manager/Coaches, Players and Fans combination of all of these. Board - for recruitment results Manager/Coaches - for performances ( responsible for performances of players, tactics etc). Players - for performances (yes tried, but some just played poorly at times) Fans - louder people decried the ‘plan’ and blamed the ‘money grabbing investors’ the pressure grew. Reality is all of these put pressure on the club to which they had to react to try to change. Until any facts come out I won’t jump on the band wagon of blaming everything in the world on the owners and will remember DS, how he should be as someone who gave us some great times and came across as more than just a custodian of the hot seat.
Not one for pointing the finger but when you see the Fans turning on the players, in the way we did at Preston, and the way the Players reacted, should we not bare sum of the blame. Its always easy to sit back and act like Vicky Pollard when things are not going your way, but cum on were Barnsley F. C. for foooks sake, Teams like Barnsley, yup your right, nowt' ll change. Speculation, its all speculation, nobody apart from an handful of individuals know what went on, lets do wot we do best and get behind the Team. C.O.Y.R. c ya all saturday.
Its only the 4th time you've posted that, its now 24 hours out of date - it should read he was sacked at 3pm on Tuesday.